BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Shortly before the planned end of the use of nuclear power in Germany, Green parliamentary group leader Britta Haßelmann has sharply criticized calls for reserve capacities. "Calls for a short-term extension of nuclear power a few days before the final phase-out date and the end of the last three nuclear power plants are political eyewash," Haßelmann told the Funke Mediengruppe newspapers (Thursday). "It would do everyone good to face reality and end the dispute."

Representatives of the co-governing FDP had previously advocated not immediately dismantling the last three nuclear power plants, but keeping them in reserve to be prepared for a possible energy crisis.

Haßelmann said that when it comes to climate protection, renewable energies are technologically vastly superior to expensive nuclear power. "I'm surprised that the voices that otherwise advocate more efficiency and innovation like to block all that out." Left-wing leader Martin Schirdewan called in the Funke newspapers for the shutdown of the last nuclear power plants not to be at the expense of low-income households.

On Saturday, the three remaining nuclear power plants in Germany are scheduled to be

- Isar 2 in Bavaria, Emsland in Lower Saxony and Neckarwestheim 2 in

Baden-Württemberg - are to be finally taken off the grid. This was actually supposed to happen at the end of last year. However, because of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the energy crisis it triggered, last year, after Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) put his foot down, the coalition government decided to keep the three reactors running through the winter./seb/DP/zb