Duty Free International Limited announced changes to the Board and Board Committees upon the conclusion of the Company's annual general meeting held on 26 June 2024: Mr. Chew Soo Lin has been re-designated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director and relinquished his position as member of Nominating Committee while remain as a member of Audit Committee; Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Sri Abdullah bin Ahmad Dollah bin Amad (B) has been re-designated as Lead Independent Director and Chairman of Nominating Committee while remain as member of Audit Committee and Remuneration Committee; Ms. Haslin binti Osman has been re-designated as Chairman of Remuneration Committee while remain as Independent Director and member of Audit Committee; Mr. Quek Meng Teck, Derrick has been re-designated as Chairman of Audit Committee while remain as Independent Director and member of Nominating Committee; Mr. Quek Meng Teck, Derrick has been re-designated as Chairman of Audit Committee while remain as Independent Director and member of Nominating Committee; General Tan Sri Dato' Seri Mohd Azumi bin Mohamed (Retired) has resigned as Lead Independent Director and ceased to be the Chairman of Nominating Committee and Remuneration Committee, and member of Audit Committee; and Dato' Megat Hisham bin Megat Mahmud has resigned as Independent Director and ceased to be the Chairman of Audit Committee and member of Remuneration Committee. Following the above changes, the composition of the Board and Board Committees shall be reconstituted as follows: Board of Directors: Dato' Sri Adam Sani bin Abdullah, Non-Executive Chairman; Mr. Lee Sze Siang, Executive Director; Mr. Chew Soo Lin, Non-Independent Non-Executive Director; Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Sri Abdullah bin Ahmad @ Dollah bin Amad (B), Lead Independent Director; Ms. Haslin binti Osman, Independent Director; Mr. Quek Meng Teck, Derrick, Independent Director. Audit Committee: Mr. Quek Meng Teck, Derrick, Chairman; Mr. Chew Soo Lin, Member; Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Sri Abdullah bin Ahmad @ Dollah bin Amad (B), Member; Ms. Haslin binti Osman, Member.

Nominating Committee: Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Sri Abdullah bin Ahmad @ Dollah bin Amad (B), Chairman; Dato' Sri Adam Sani bin Abdullah, Member; Mr. Quek Meng Teck, Derrick, Member. Remuneration Committee: Ms. Haslin binti Osman, Chairman; Dato' Sri Adam Sani bin Abdullah, Member; Jeneral Tan Sri Dato' Sri Abdullah bin Ahmad @ Dollah bin Amad (B), Member.