Duketon Mining Ltd. announced the completion of a significant electromagnetic survey over the northern half of the Duketon North Project, over the two large mafic intrusions at the Tate Project and over part of the Bulge (the host to Rosie and C2 mineral resources). Over 110 line kilometres were completed during these surveys and over 1200 stations were collected. This constitutes a major investment by the Company using the latest technology to either survey areas of no data or to re-survey areas previously covered by older and less capable systems. This data will underpin the next major exploration push focusing on new discoveries and extending the current resources.

Duketon North EM Survey Phase 2 - Completed Phase 2 of the EM survey that was continuing in the northern sector of the Duketon Project has now been completed. Numerous EM anomalies have been identified in this program. These are all mid-time anomalies and require further geological work prior to being drilled.

Bulge EM Survey ­ Surveying continuing Whilst the EM crew were on site a decision was made to re-survey a portion of the Bulge ultramafic to the south and to the west of the Rosie Mineral Resource. This was to address two main issues with the pre-existing data. Firstly, the newer systems are more powerful and are less noisy allowing them to receive data later in time which is a proxy for "seeing" deeper.

Secondly the orientation and position of the previous data was not optimal to the now know orientation of the geology and the mineralisation. On the one line that is orientated east west a broad, very late time and high amplitude EM anomaly has been identified internal to the Bulge ultramafic complex. This is down plunge and immediately to the west of the Rosie mineralisation.

This response is indicating that there is a highly conductive body at depth. Surveying is ongoing and once all data is collated it can be effectively interpreted for drill testing. Tate EM Survey - Completed The MLEM survey over the Tate project has been completed and has identified several EM anomalies both internal and flanking the larger of the two intrusions.

This area is covered by transported sands and very little is known about these intrusions. Further geological and geophysical work is required to put these into context. Drilling - Commencing Diamond drilling is planned to commence at the end of this week on multiple targets and will continue through to the end of the year.

Highest priority targets include: Down plunge Rosie; Albany EM and Geochem target; and Various other targets generated from EM program or from drilling.