Doseology Sciences Inc. announced the appointment of Maryam Marissen as Chief Executive Officer, effective immediately. Outgoing interim CEO and co-founder Daniel Vice will remain involved with the Company as an independent director. Ms. Marissen is an accomplished business leader, entrepreneur, and marketing strategist.

With over two decades of relevant leadership experience, she brings a valuable combination of consumer product marketing, healthcare, and government relations experience to her new position. She recently served as Managing Director of a national government relations and public affairs agency, overseeing advocacy campaigns on matters such as healthcare, education, and public policy. As co-founder of a Vancouver biotech startup, Marissen was involved in psychedelic research for therapeutic applications, consulting with academic, industry, and regulatory stakeholders to develop clinical pathways to patient care.

Under Ms. Marissen's leadership, Doseology will focus on cultivation of functional mushrooms, and establishing clinical services to create profitable revenue streams. The company's application for a Health Canada Dealer's License was filed in November, and once approved, will allow for psilocybin-related research and cultivation. In preparation for the Dealer's License, R&D along with channel partnerships are strategic goals.