Digital Bros S.p.A. (BIT:DIB) signed a preliminary agreement to acquire Kunos Simulazioni S.R.L. from Stefano Casillo and Marco Massarutto for €4.8 million on January 20, 2017. Under the terms of the transaction, Digital Bros agreed to acquire Kunos for 0.15 million in stock, €2.8 million in cash, half of which would be paid immediately and half in exactly one year from the closing date. No particular form of financing has been envisaged for the transaction and will be financed by existing lines of credit. The issue shall be subject to approval by the shareholders in general meeting on March 13, 2017. The agreement is binding on the parties and is subject to a condition precedent concerning the impact of any significant findings that may arise from due diligence that shall be performed once the financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2016 become available as well as being subject to approval by Digital Bros' shareholders in general meeting. The deal is approved by board of Digital Bros S.p.A. The planned closing date is April 30, 2017. It is not envisaged that the acquisition will significantly impact the Group's previously released prospective financial information.