January 24, 2013 New Research by DB Advisors: Shareholder activism as an effective approach to socially responsible investing

Corporations increasingly face a new type of shareholder: the shareholder activist. These shareholders use their voting rights to influence the outcomes of management proposals. The rise of shareholder activism suggests that engagement with companies can be an effective approach to socially responsible investing. This is the outcome of a research of DB Advisors, our institutional investment business, in cooperation with Maastricht University.

To further expand our research activities and to leverage our ESG know-how in Asset Management, Deutsche Bank has started a collaboration between DB Advisors, Group Sustainability and Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (MUSBE).This cooperation makes a contribution in obtaining substantial research on how ESG criteria will further influence investments and risk management.

Corporate Engagement by Institutional Shareholders [PDF / 426 KB]

Further information
  • News, Mai 8, 2012: Deutsche and Maastricht University enter a long-term research partnership
  • DB Advisors-Website

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