Deutsche Bank has won three awards in Risk magazine's Risk Awards 2013:

  • Currency Derivatives House of the Year 
  • Hedge Fund Derivatives House of the Year 
  • Energy/Commodity Derivatives House of the Year

This is the third time Deutsche Bank has been named Currency Derivatives House of the Year with Risk praising its winning combination of "patient advisory work and strong client relationships."

Deutsche Bank took the Energy/Commodity Derivatives award for the second time with Risk highlighting its overall position as a "top-tier market-maker ... providing reliable prices on simple trades but also structuring more complex hedges."

Deutsche Bank received the Hedge Fund Derivatives award for the fifth consecutive year for "its ability to provide innovative financing solutions."

Deutsche Bank's success in the Risk Awards comes a month after winning nine accolades from IFR - including Bond House, Emerging Markets Bond House and Americas Securitization House of the Year.

Additional information:
Awards for Deutsche Bank - Rewards for our Passion to Perform
Corporate Banking & Securities
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