Deutsche Bank and Financial Risk Management (FRM) today announced a partnership to launch the industry's first hedge fund seeding managed account platform.  

The dbalternatives Discovery platform, based on Deutsche Bank's established and award winning dbalternatives managed account platform, extends the investor protection afforded by its managed account framework into the hedge fund seeding arena. Developed in 2002, the dbalternatives managed account platform addresses hedge fund investor concerns regarding fraud, transparency, liquidity and independent valuation.

The aim of hedge fund seeding is to identify and invest in the funds of select emerging hedge fund managers and to provide strategic guidance to support their development. In return for committed capital, seeding investors receive fund returns and a share of the manager's revenue. The latter represents an attractive way to benefit from any growth of the hedge fund manager's assets under management.  

FRM, through its hedge fund seeding division FRM Capital Advisors (FCA), will select and negotiate strategic investments in emerging managers which will be made through managed accounts on the dbalternatives Discovery platform. Deutsche Bank will also raise capital for a seeding fund which will invest in early stage hedge funds selected by FCA, which evaluates over 500 seeding opportunities annually through FRM's global investment team. Investors can therefore now utilise a high quality managed account platform to invest in a seeding fund or to invest directly into emerging hedge funds.

Deutsche Bank's Global Head of Fund Derivatives, Stephane Farouze said: "dbalternatives Discovery is set to reinvent hedge fund seeding through the introduction of managed accounts, which we believe are crucial when investing in emerging managers. Whatever the pedigree of the manager, it's in these early stages that close monitoring of risk and style drift are most essential. The dbalternatives Discovery platform will provide this through the tried and tested managed account infrastructure we have been offering to investors for the last 10 years. We are pleased to be partnering with FRM in this important new business."

FRM's Chief Executive Officer, Blaine Tomlinson added: "Structural changes in the hedge fund industry have created a new wave of opportunities in seeding. The institutionalisation of the industry has resulted in talented managers needing strategic capital to reach critical mass. In response, we built a well resourced seeding capability to identify these managers and make strategic investments. Now, we are partnering with a leader in managed account platforms with a substantial client franchise to bring seeding to a new level and a wider group of investors."

dbalternatives, Deutsche Bank's integrated hedge fund offering with $12bn of assets under management including managed accounts, hedge fund UCITS and ETF offerings, provides investors with unified direct access to Deutsche Bank's hedge fund products.

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For further information, please call:

Deutsche Bank AG                                

Name : Nick Bone                                
Phone: ++44 (0) 207 547 2603        

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Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a substantial private clients' franchise. Its businesses are mutually reinforcing. A leader in Germany and Europe, the bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With more than 100,000 employees in 73 countries, Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world. The bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions, creating lasting value for its clients, shareholders, people and the communities in which it operates.

FRM press contacts

London: Michael Turner / +44 207 075 1858 /
NY: Joshua Goldman-Brown / +1 646 490 2767 /

About FRM

Financial Risk Management (FRM) is an independent, global hedge fund research and investment specialist managing approximately $9 billion for institutional and other sophisticated investors.  Founded in 1991, FRM has been an innovator in creating institutional quality approaches to hedge fund investing.  FRM's seeding division, FRM Capital Advisors (FCA) was launched in 2007 to make strategic investments in emerging alternatives managers.

Important Notice. This press release has been prepared solely for information purposes and does not constitute an offer or a recommendation to enter into any transaction. Investments in hedge funds involve numerous risks including, among others, general market risks, credit risks, foreign exchange risks, interest rate risks and liquidity risks. The value of an investment in a Deutsche Bank hedge fund may go down as well as up and investors may not get back their original investment. Investments in emerging hedge fund managers involve numerous risks. Please refer to the relevant hedge fund's full prospectus and any relevant documents for more information on Deutsche Bank hedge funds. These documents will be available free of charge from Deutsche Bank, London Branch.

Deutsche Bank AG is authorised under German Banking Law (competent authority: BaFin - Federal Financial Supervising Authority) and is regulated by the Financial Services Authority for the conduct of investment business in the United Kingdom. The registered address of Deutsche Bank AG, London Branch, is Winchester House, 1 Great Winchester Street, London EC2N 2DB. Any direct or indirect distribution of this document into the United States, Canada or Japan, or to U.S. persons or U.S. residents, is prohibited.

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