Company announcement no. 10: At the extraordinary general assembly on the 6th of January 2021, Dataproces Group A/S elected KPMG P/S as the new auditor for the Company.

Wednesday, January 6th 2021 at 1 pm, Dataproces Group A/S held an extraordinary general assembly. The general assembly was held at the company's address, Skalhuse 13, Nibe.


  1. Proposal for election of KPMG as new auditor
  2. AOB (any other business)


Re item 1: Proposal for election of KPMG as new auditor

For a number of years, the Company has had Attiri State Authorized Auditing Company (CVR no. 33357966) as its auditor and has appreciated the great collaboration with them. Dataproces Group A/S was listed on Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark in November 2020. In relation to that the management assessed, that it would be of great advantage to switch to a larger auditing company who has a broader experience and competencies in working with listed companies. At the same time, it would be beneficial for Dataproces not to be as dependent on single individuals.

In the same period, Attiri has also been the auditor for Dataproces ApS and for Skalhuse ApS, both subsidiaries who are 100 percent owned by the company. It has been proposed, that Attiri also resign from the subsidiaries, as KPMG will be the new auditor for the entire company.

The Board of Directors' proposal of electing KPMG P/S (CVR no. 25578198) as the new auditor for Dataproces Group A/S was approved at the extraordinary general assembly.

Immediately after the general assembly the company's lawyer will register the auditor change to The Danish Business Authority.


Re point 2: AOB

There was no other business.


  • John Norden, Certified Advisor, +45 20 720 200,
  • Kjartan Jensen, CEO, +45 41 21 05 01,

About Dataproces Group A/S

Dataproces is an innovative IT and consulting house, specializing in solutions targeted at the Danish municipalities and their digital administration. The solutions range widely from robot technology and SaaS to data analyzes as well as collaboration and consulting. The starting point and purpose are always the same: to use data to create new knowledge, smarter processes and increased efficiency for the benefit of both citizens and municipalities.

Dataproces – we create value with data!


  • Download announcement as PDF.pdf

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