Danubius Hotel and Spa Public Limited Company

Approval of the merger of SC Salina Invest SA of Sovata

The Board of Directors of Danubius Hotels Nyrt. informed its respected shareholders on
5th April 2013, whereby, at the extraordinary general meetings of SC Salina Invest SA, registered in Sovata, Romania (company registration number: J26/639/2000) owned by Danubius Hotels Nyrt. to 99.94%, and SC Balneoclimaterica SA, which is in the 98.03% ownership stake of aforesaid, also having its seat in Sovata (company register number: J26/266/1991), held on 3rd April 2013, the shareholders passed a resolution on launching the procedure of SC Salina Invest SA being merged into SC Balneoclimaterica SA.
The Board of Directors of Danubius Hotels Nyrt. informs its respected shareholders that the above mentioned merger procedure was approved by the Maros county Court in Romania in its final ruling no. 1235/1371/2013C on the turning day 31st August 2013 and the Maros county Court, as court of registration deleted SC Salina Invest SA from the company registration by its final ruling no. 14715 on 27th November 2013.
Budapest, 29th November 2013
Board of Directors
of Danubius Hotels Nyrt.

H-1051 Budapest, Szent István tér 11. • Tel.: +36 1 889 4000 • Fax: +36 1 889 4106 • E-mail: sales@danubiusgroup.com

Metropolitan Court of Budapest as Court of Registration: Registration number: 01-10-041669

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