Cybin Inc. provided an update on its on its eight patent filings, which cover the company’s novel therapeutics, delivery mechanisms and treatment regiments. The company is also pleased to announce that it intends to expand the development of its therapeutics program to include, in addition to psilocybin, psychedelic compounds such as DMT, psilocybin analogues and a range of tryptamines and phenylethylamines which are expected to have improved pharmacokinetic profiles, while retaining the efficacy of the original molecules. In addition, the company intends to build a database of molecules and their chemically synthesized pathways for use in the pharmaceutical industry. The company has a provisional patent application for an oral film delivery mechanism covering all psychedelic molecules delivered through oral films, which is expected to increase bioavailability and allow for more consistent doses. The oral film delivery mechanism is expected to have a similar bio-efficacy to oral capsules, but at a reduced dosage and cost. The Company has a patent application for a delivery technology covering various chemically synthesized psychedelic molecules which is expected to increase onset times in a similar route to intravenous treatments. The company has multiple patent applications for deuterated psychedelic molecules and analogues which are expected to provide greater stability, better potency, more control over duration and greater bioavailability than other forms of chemical synthesis, bio synthesis or within their natural state. The company has a patent application for platforms that create supportive treatment regimens and is conducting ongoing research of pre-and post-protocol with the goal of enhancing the patient experience.