Announcement regarding the status of use of the funds that CFHC acquired from CIBC's capital reduction.The execution plan has been completed in Q4 2012.

1.Date of occurrence of the event:2013/01/02
2.Company name:Chinatrust Financial Holding Company
3.Relationship to the Company (please enter "head office" or
  "affiliate company"):Head office
4.Reciprocal shareholding ratios: N/A
5.Cause of occurrence:The application for NTD 2.26 billion capital reduction
by Chinatrust Insurance Brokers Company, the subsidiary of Chinatrust
Financial Holding Company, was approved by Financial Supervisory Commission
with document Jin-Guan-Yin-Kong-Zi No. 10100047830 on Mar. 1, 2012. We hereby
announce the status of use of funds from capital reduction in accordance
with stipulations in Paragraph 2 of Article 5 of the "Regulations Governing
the Capital Reduction at the Subsidiaries of a Financial Holding Company".
6.Countermeasures:The use of funds is to redeem Class-B preferred stock and
until Q4 2012 the status and progress of use of the funds are as follows:
(1) Status:
2012 Q4 estimated amount to be used: NTD 2.26 billion
2012 Q4 actual amount used: NTD 2.26 billion
(2) Execution plan progress:
2012 Q4 estimated progress: 100%
2012 Q4 actual progress: 100%
7.Any other matters that need to be specified:None.

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