CT Global Managed Portfolio Trust PLC



Regulatory and legal status of the Company

CT Global Managed Portfolio Trust PLC (the "Company") is an 'alternative investment fund' ("AIF") for the purposes of the EU Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (Directive 2011/61/EU) (as implemented in the United Kingdom, the "AIFM Directive") which has appointed Columbia Threadneedle Investment Business Limited (the "Manager") as its Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM"). The Manager is authorised and regulated by the United Kingdom Financial Conduct Authority (the "FCA") as an AIFM for the Company.

The Company is an investment trust and is incorporated as a public limited liability company in Scotland with registered number SC338196. The Company has two classes of shares in issue, Income Shares and Growth Shares, which are both listed on the premium segment of the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and are admitted to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. The operation of the Company is subject to its Articles of Association, the FCA Listing Rules, the FCA Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, the UK Corporate Governance Code issued by the Financial Reporting Council and the UK Companies Act 2006.

The provisions of the Company's Articles of Association, which are binding on the Company and all of its shareholders, set out the respective rights and restrictions attaching to the Company's shares. All shareholders are entitled to the benefit of, and are bound by and are deemed to have notice of, the Company's Articles of Association. The Company's Articles of Association are governed by the laws of Scotland.

As the Company is a long-term investment vehicle, it does not have a fixed life. However, the Company's Articles of Association required the Board to put a resolution to continue the Company to shareholders at the tenth annual general meeting of the Company which was held in 2018. This resolution was passed and will be put to shareholders again at five-yearly intervals thereafter. The continuation vote will be proposed as an ordinary resolution.

Limited purpose of this document

This document, which is made available to investors in the Company by being made available at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk, is not a prospectus. It is issued for the sole purpose of making certain regulatory disclosures to investors in accordance with the requirements of the AIFM Directive. The Company, its Directors and the Manager as its AIFM will not be responsible to persons other than the Company's shareholders for their use of this document, nor will they be responsible to any person (including the Company's shareholders) for any use which they may make of this document other than to inform a decision to invest in shares in the Company.

This document does not constitute, and may not be used for the purposes of, an offer or solicitation to buy or sell, or otherwise undertake investment activity in relation to, the Company's shares.

This Investor Disclosure Document is based on information, law and practice at the date hereof. The Manager will update this document, as soon as reasonably practicable, to take account of material changes. Such changes will also be disclosed to existing shareholders in the following


annual report. The Company, its Directors and Manager as its AIFM will not be bound by an out of date Investor Disclosure Document when it has issued a new Investor Disclosure Document and investors, who are in any doubt, should check with the Manager that this is the most recently published Investor Disclosure Document.

This document is not intended to be an invitation or inducement to any person to engage in any investment activity. It does not include all the information which investors or their professional advisers may require for the purpose of making an informed decision in relation to an investment in the Company and its shares.

No advice

The Company, its Directors and the Manager as its AIFM are not advising any person in relation to any investment or other transaction involving shares in the Company. Recipients must not treat the contents of this document or any subsequent communications from the Company, the Manager or any of their respective affiliates, officers, directors, employees or agents, as advice relating to financial, investment, taxation, accounting, legal, regulatory or any other matters. Prospective investors must rely on their own professional advisers, including their own legal advisers and accountants, as to legal, tax, accounting, regulatory, investment and any other related matters concerning the Company and an investment in the Company's shares.

Potential investors in the Company's shares should consult their stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other financial adviser before investing in the Company.

Overseas investors

The distribution of this document in certain jurisdictions will be restricted and accordingly any persons into whose possession this document comes are required to inform themselves about and to observe such restrictions. In particular, the shares have not been, and will not be, registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933 (as amended) or under any of the relevant securities laws of Canada, Australia or Japan. Accordingly, the shares may not (unless an exemption from such Act or such laws is available) be offered, sold or delivered, directly or indirectly, in or into the USA, Canada, Australia or Japan. The Company is not registered under the United States Investment Company Act of 1940 (as amended) and investors are not entitled to the benefits of such Act.

Prospective investors must inform themselves as to (a) the legal requirements within their own countries for the purchase, holding, transfer and other disposal of shares; (b) any foreign exchange restrictions applicable to the purchase, holding, transfer or other disposal of shares which they might encounter; and (c) the income and other tax consequences which may apply in their own countries as a result of the purchase, holding, transfer or other disposal of shares.

This Investor Disclosure Document is dated, and is valid, as at 17 October 2023.



Investment Objective

The Company's Investment Objective is "is to provide Income shareholders with an attractive level of income with the potential for income and capital growth from a diversified portfolio of Investment Companies and to provide Growth shareholders with capital growth from a diversified portfolio of Investment Companies."

Investment Policy

The Income Portfolio invests in a diversified portfolio of at least 25 Investment Companies that have underlying investment exposures across a range of geographic regions and sectors and that focus on offering an income yield above that of the FTSE All-Share Index.

The Growth Portfolio invests in a diversified portfolio of at least 25 Investment Companies that have underlying investment exposures across a range of geographic regions and sectors and the focus of which is to maximise total returns, principally through capital growth.

The Company invests principally in closed-ended investment Companies, wherever incorporated, which are listed on the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority. The majority of the Company's holdings comprise equity investments although it is permitted to invest in other securities issued by Investment Companies. The Company is permitted to invest in other closed ended investment companies, wherever incorporated, whose shares are traded on AIM or a Regulated Exchange (other than the London Stock Exchange's Main Market) up to a maximum of 25 per cent of the total assets of the relevant Portfolio.

In accordance with the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority, the Company will not invest more than 10 per cent. in aggregate of its total assets in other UK listed Investment Companies that themselves may invest more than 15 per cent of their total assets in UK listed Investment Companies.

There are no maximum levels set for underlying exposures to geographic regions or sectors.

No investment in either Portfolio may exceed 15 per cent of the relevant Portfolio's total assets at the time of the latest purchase.

The Manager may invest the assets of the Company in other investment companies managed by the Manager or another member of the Columbia Threadneedle Investments group, provided that such investments in the Income or Growth Portfolios shall not exceed 20 per cent of the total assets of the relevant Portfolio at the time of investment.

There are no defined limits on securities and accordingly the Company may invest up to 100 per cent of total assets in any particular type of security.

The Company may use derivatives, principally for the purpose of efficient portfolio management, including protecting the Portfolios against market falls.

The Company may use gearing in either Portfolio. Borrowings are not normally expected to exceed 20 per cent of the total assets of the relevant Portfolio. Under the Company's Articles of Association, the maximum borrowing limit is 50 per cent of the total assets of the relevant Portfolio. The Directors will, however, retain flexibility to increase or decrease the level of gearing to take account of changing market circumstances and in pursuit of the Company's investment objectives.


Any material change to the investment policy of the Company will only be made with the prior class consent of shareholders of the class to which the change relates (where the proposed material change only relates to a particular class) and with the prior approval of the shareholders of the Company, by ordinary resolution. The Company will announce any such change through a Regulatory Information Service.


Maximum gross leverage based on the Company's power under its Articles, calculated in accordance with the requirements under the AIFM Directive is 200% under the Gross method and 200% under the Commitment method.

Material changes to leverage policies must be agreed by the Company and will be notified to shareholders via the Company's website at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.ukand its Annual Report and Accounts.

The total level of leverage employed by the Company is updated regularly on the "Monthly Factsheet" published on the Company's website at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk

Investment Strategy

The long term goal of the Company, and the Manager in its investment strategy is to, seek to capture superior returns that can be achieved through holdings in investment companies exposed to certain attractive asset classes. A key element of the Manager's approach is to select only the best quality investment companies which have demonstrated the ability to achieve strong performance. The Manager focuses on investment managers who have a clearly defined investment process, experience of a variety of different market conditions, ample resources to underpin their management skills and a relentless focus on the portfolio they are charged with managing.

The Company's Investment Strategy is set out in full in the Strategic Report section of the Annual Report and Accounts, which can be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk

Dividend policy

Income Shares are entitled to all the dividends of the Company. The Growth Shares do not carry an entitlement to receive dividends. Any net income earned by the Company from the Growth Portfolio is transferred to the Income Portfolio in exchange for a capital contribution of an identical amount from the Income Portfolio. Dividend payments are announced through a Regulatory Information Service. The Annual Report and Accounts which can be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.ukcontain details of dividends paid in respect of the relevant financial year.



The Alternative Investment Fund Manager (AIFM)

The Manager, is the Company's AIFM. Columbia Threadneedle Investment Business Limited is incorporated in Scotland with registered number SC151198. The directors of the AIFM are Rebecca Fuller, David Logan, Charles Porter, Ann Roughead, Ruth Sack, Richard Watts, Tina Watts and Marrack Tonkin. The Manager is a subsidiary of Columbia Threadneedle AM (Holdings) PLC ("Columbia Threadneedle Holdings"), which is 100% owned by Columbia Threadneedle (Europe) Limited ("Columbia Threadneedle Europe"). Columbia Threadneedle Europe is part of Columbia Threadneedle Investments, the global investment management business of Ameriprise Financial, Inc., a company incorporated in the United States.

The directors of Columbia Threadneedle Holdings which is incorporated in the United Kingdom are Charles Porter, David Logan, Ruth Sack, Richard Watts, Michaela Jackson, Kieran Poynter, Ann Roughead and Nick Ring. It has its offices at 6th Floor, Quartermile 4, 7a Nightingale Way, Edinburgh EH3 9EG, Scotland.

The Company has entered into an amended and restated investment management agreement with the Manager effective 22 July 2014 appointing it to act as AIFM to the Company in accordance with the requirements of the AIFM Directive, which includes the provision of discretionary investment management services and risk oversight and management services in relation to the Company's investment portfolios. In addition to its duties as AIFM, the Manager also provides company secretarial, accounting, marketing and administrative services to the Company, as set out in detail in the Annual Report and Accounts which can be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk

The Manager's remuneration is based on a management fee at the rate of 0.65% per annum of the total assets of each Portfolio, calculated at each quarter end. This fee payable in respect of investments held by the Company in other vehicles managed by the Manager is reduced to 0.325% per annum on the relevant assets. The Manager also receives an index linked secretarial and administration fee of £95,281 per annum. Until 29 September 2022, if certain conditions were met an annual Performance fee was payable for each separate share class. Effective 29 September 2022, the cessation of the performance fee was agreed with immediate effect.

The Investment management agreement is terminable by either party on six months' notice. The Company may terminate the Agreement early upon payment of an amount equal to the base fee which would have been payable had the notice period been complied with, plus any performance fee accrued at termination.

Remuneration policy of the AIFM

In accordance with the AIFM Directive, Columbia Threadneedle Investment Business Limited (formerly BMO Investment Business Limited), the designated Alternative Investment Fund Manager ("AIFM") for CT Global Managed Portfolio Trust PLC, has adopted a remuneration policy which is consistent with the remuneration principles applicable to AIF management companies and aligned with the Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management (EMEA) Remuneration Policy. The size of the AIFM and the size of the funds it manages, the internal organisation and the nature, the scope and the complexity of their activities have been taken into consideration in this disclosure.


Remuneration policy

The purpose of the AIFM's remuneration policy is to describe the remuneration principles and practices within the AIFM and for such principles and practices:

to be consistent with, and promote, sound and effective risk management;

to be in line with the business strategy, objectives, values and interests of the AIFM; not to encourage excessive risk-taking as compared to the investment policy of the relevant sub-funds of the AIFM;

to provide a framework for remuneration to attract, motivate and retain staff (including directors) to which the policy applies in order to achieve the objectives of the AIFM; and to ensure that any relevant conflicts of interest can be managed appropriately at all times.

Decision making and governance

The board of directors (the "Board") of the AIFM is responsible for the remuneration policy of the AIFM and for determining the remuneration of the directors of the AIFM and other staff who undertake professional activities for the AIFM. The Board has delegated to Columbia Threadneedle AM (Holdings) PLC's Risk and Remuneration Committee (the "Committee") responsibility for maintaining a compliant remuneration policy. The Committee is solely comprised of non-executive directors of Columbia Threadneedle AM (Holdings) PLC. The Board has adopted the remuneration policy applicable to all members of the Group ("Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management (EMEA)") for this financial year as reviewed and approved by the Committee periodically (at least annually). The Committee is responsible for, and oversees, the implementation of the remuneration policy in line with the AIFMD Regulations. The Board considers that the members of the Committee have appropriate expertise in risk management and remuneration to perform this review.


The remuneration policy, which incorporates compliance with AIFMD requirements applies to staff whose professional activities have a material impact on the risk profile of the AIFM or of the funds it manages ("Identified Staff") and so covers:

  1. senior management;
  2. risk takers;
  3. control functions; and
  4. employees receiving total remuneration that takes them into the same remuneration bracket as senior management and risk takers, whose professional activities have a material impact on the risk profile of the AIFM.

The Identified Staff list and the selection criteria above are subject to regular review (at least annually) by the Committee as well as formally reviewed in the event of significant organisation changes and changes in remuneration regulations the AIFM is subject to.

Linking remuneration with performance

The AIFM's remuneration policy is part of the Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management (EMEA) framework that promotes sound remuneration management, with the objective of providing total compensation to its employees that is warranted by corporate, business unit/function and individual performance and is comparable to market competitors, whilst being consistent with and promoting sound and effective risk management and the achievement of fair outcomes for all customers. Its purpose is to facilitate achievement of the business objectives and corporate values of the AIFM, with the primary focus on clients, whilst ensuring that Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management (EMEA) is able to attract, retain and motivate the key talent required to achieve these business objectives and corporate values without incentivising excessive or inappropriate risk.


When setting remuneration levels, the following components and principles form part of the remuneration management framework:

  1. Fixed remuneration is determined taking into account factors including the requirements of the particular role and the staff member's experience, expertise, contribution level and the fixed pay for comparable roles. Fixed remuneration is set, with reference to market data, at a level that is sufficient to attract high calibre staff as well as to permit the operation of a fully-flexible remuneration policy (including the possibility of a staff member receiving reduced or no variable remuneration in a particular year). The Committee keeps the balance between fixed and variable remuneration under review.
  1. Variable remuneration is determined annually by reference to both financial and non- financial AIFM performance considerations. External competitor practices are included in the funding review to ensure compensation opportunities in the markets within which the AIFM operates are given due consideration and retention risks are effectively managed. Incentive funding is developed in view of current and projected economics and risks, supported by Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management (EMEA) Audit and Compliance Committee inputs, ensuring risk-adjustments and qualitative and quantitative considerations, such as the cost and quantity of capital and liquidity are actively considered as funding adjustments. The Committee ensures that all incentive awards are not paid through vehicles or methods that facilitate the avoidance of the requirements with regard to remuneration imposed by applicable law and/or regulations.
  1. Variable remuneration is allocated to respective business functions by reference to:
  1. contribution of the respective business function or unit to corporate


  1. business function performance relative to pre-determined targets and objectives, including adherence to risk management obligations; and
  1. competitive market pay data.

Individual award allocations are referenced to the individual achievement during the performance year relative to pre-agreed objectives and assessment of market comparability. Performance is assessed in relation to pre-agreed objectives, which include financial and non-financial goals (including the achievement of fair customer outcomes), compliance with the Group's policies and procedures, adherence to risk management and compliance requirements and the Group's Code of Conduct. The assessment of performance for Identified Staff reflects multi-year performance in a manner appropriate to the life-cycle of the funds that are managed by the AIFM.

  1. Application of Financial Conduct Authority's Handbook (SYSC 19B: AIFMD Remuneration Code) pay-out process rules, save for disapplication at individual or AIFM level, which is determined by an annual proportionality assessment.

Quantitative remuneration disclosure

The total remuneration paid by Columbia Threadneedle Investment Business Limited to its staff is zero, as all AIFM staff are employed by other companies in Columbia Threadneedle Asset Management (EMEA).

The table below provides an overview of aggregate total remuneration paid to AIFM Identified Staff in respect of the proportion of their pay aligned to their AIFM responsibilities. It is not possible to apportion remuneration by individual Identified Staff working on a specific investment fund, therefore figures are provided in aggregate on an AIFM basis.











Investment Business





Remuneration of

AIFMD Identified Staff





of which:

Senior Management





Other Code Staff





Notes on the quantitative remuneration disclosure

Total remuneration reported is the sum of salary, cash bonus, any deferred annual bonus, value of any long term incentive awards granted in respect of performance in the reportable financial year plus the value of any applicable cash allowances.

"Senior management" are defined in this table as the AIFM Directors, Executive and Non-Executive Directors and Group Management Team members of Columbia Threadneedle Investments. "Other Code Staff" includes all other identified Code staff in business areas, internal control functions and corporate functions.

The Identified Staff disclosure represents total compensation of those staff who are fully or partly involved in the activities of the AIFM funds, apportioned to the estimated time relevant to the AIFM or to the amount attributable to the AIFM allocated on an AUM basis.

AIFM activities

The following table provides an overview of the size and composition of the funds managed by the AIFM, including CT Global Managed Portfolio Trust PLC. This shows the total number of funds managed, the split between, and proportions of AIF, UCITS and other funds.

Number of

AUM as at 31

% of AUM as at 31


December 2022

December 2022


Alternative investment funds








Other funds








The Depositary

The Company has appointed J.P. Morgan Europe Limited (JPMEL) to provide depositary services, in accordance with the AIFM Directive and certain other associated rules, pursuant to the terms of a depositary agreement dated 22 July 2014 to which both the Company and the AIFM are parties. The services provided by JPMEL as depositary for the Company include:

  • general oversight responsibilities over the issue and cancellation of the Company's share capital, the carrying out of net asset value calculations, the application of income, and the ex-post review of investment transactions;
  • monitoring the Company's cash flows and ensuring that all cash is booked in appropriate accounts in the name of the Company or the Manager or JPMEL acting on behalf of the Company; and


  • ensuring that J.P. Morgan Chase Bank Limited (JPMCB) (to whom JPMEL has delegated the safekeeping of all assets held within the Company's investment portfolio, including those classed as financial instruments for the purpose of the AIFM Directive, in accordance with the terms of a Global Custody Agreement to which both the Company and the AIFM are also a party) retains custody of the Company's financial instruments in segregated accounts so that they can be clearly identified as belonging to the Company and maintains records sufficient for verification of the Company's ownership rights in relation to assets other than financial instruments. No specific conflicts have been identified as arising as a result of the delegation of the provision of custody and safekeeping services by JPMEL to JPMCB.

The terms of the depositary agreement provide that, where certain assets of the Company are invested in a country whose laws require certain financial instruments to be held in custody by a local entity and no such entity is able to satisfy the requirements under the AIFM Directive in relation to use of delegates by depositaries, JPMEL may still delegate its functions to such a local entity and be fully discharged of all liability for loss of financial instruments of the Company by such local entity. However, this is strictly subject to the prior approval of the Directors and a prior notification to shareholders.

Although the Depositary has delegated the safekeeping of all assets held within the Company's investment portfolio to JPMCB, in the event of loss of those assets that constitute financial instruments under the AIFM Directive, the Depositary will be obliged to return to the Company financial instruments of an identical type, or the corresponding amount of money, unless it can demonstrate that the loss has arisen as a result of an external event beyond its reasonable control, the consequences of which would have been unavoidable despite all reasonable efforts to the contrary.

The Depositary receives an annual fee for its services of one basis point of the Company's net assets, payable monthly in arrears. The depositary agreement in place with JPMEL and the related custody agreement in place with JPMCB continues unless and until terminated by the Company giving not less than 90 days' notice or by JPMEL giving not less than 120 days' notice, in each case such notice to be effective no earlier than the first anniversary of the effective date.

The Depositary's duties are owed to the Company and not directly to investors in the Company, whether individually or in groups. Accordingly, investors may not bring any action or make a claim against the Depositary under the depositary agreement.

The Auditor

Following a competitive tender process, BDO LLP was appointed as the Company's Auditor on 2 February 2023 and to provide audit and audit-related assurance services to the Company. Its re-appointment was subsequently approved by shareholders at the AGM on 28 September 2023. BDO LLP's Audit Report in respect of the Financial Statements of the Company, and the fees for its services, are set out in the Annual Report and Accounts to 31 May 2023 which can be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk.

The Auditor has a statutory responsibility to report to the members of the Company as a whole in relation to the truth and fairness of the Company's state of affairs and profit or loss as well as confirming that the Company accounts have been prepared in accordance with the Company's Articles of Association. The Auditor is also required to report by exception if there are certain matters on which they are not satisfied, including if adequate accounting records have not been kept by the Company or it has not received all the information and explanations required in order to carry out the audit.


The Share Registrar

Equiniti Limited is responsible for maintaining the Company's share register, including keeping up to date the names and addresses of shareholders, receiving and recording proxies at the Company's Annual General meeting, and paying dividends on the due date to shareholders on the register in accordance with instructions from the Company. The fees paid to the Registrar are variable and are set out in the Annual Report and Accounts which can be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk.

Delegation of functions by the AIFM

The AIFM has not delegated, but has outsourced, responsibility for settlement, corporate action, reconciliation and certain other administrative and record-keeping functions to State Street Bank and Trust Company. Fees for these services are paid by the AIFM and are not reimbursed by the Company. The Company has not identified or been informed of any conflicts of interest in this relationship.

Columbia Threadneedle Management Limited, an associate of the AIFM, trades securities and financial derivatives with brokers and other market counterparties as agent on behalf of the Company on a delegated basis.


Reports and Accounts

Copies of the Company's latest Annual Report and Accounts and Interim Reports may be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.ukor by writing to the Company Secretary at its Registered Office address, 6th Floor, Quartermile 4, 7a Nightingale Way, Edinburgh, EH3 9EG.

Publication of net asset values and share prices

The previous business day's cum- and ex-income net asset values of the Company are published each business day through a Regulatory Information Service and may also be accessed at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.ukunder "Regulatory News". The current share price is also published on the website.

Valuation Policy

The Company's valuation policy in respect of its investments is contained within the Accounting Policies note in the Annual Report and Accounts published on the Company's website which can be accessed atwww.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk.

Historical performance of the Company

Details of the Company's historical financial performance are provided in the Company's Annual Reports and Accounts and monthly factsheets, which are available at www.ctglobalmanagedportfolio.co.uk.

Investors should note that past performance of the Company is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Investors may not get back the amount invested.

Purchases and sales of shares by investors

The Company has two classes of shares in issue, Income shares and Growth shares, which are both admitted to the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority and to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. Accordingly, the Company's shares may be purchased




CT Global Managed Portfolio Trust plc published this content on 25 October 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 25 October 2023 11:19:39 UTC.