CSE Global Limited announced that Mr. Lim How Teck, a Non-Executive Non-Independent Director is resigning as Non-Executive Non-Independent Director of the Company with effect from 24 August 2022. Consequently, Mr. Lim will also vacate his positions as member of (i) Audit and Risk; and (ii) Nominating Committees. The Board of Directors would like to express its sincere appreciation to Mr. Lim for his invaluable advice and contribution to the Company during his tenure.

The Board also wishes to announce that Mr. Derek Lau Tiong Seng will be appointed as a member of the Nominating Committee with effect from 24 August 2022. Following the above changes, the composition of the board and board committees will be as follows: Board of Directors: Mr. Lim Ming Seong - Chairman, Independent Director. Mr. Lim Boon Kheng - Group Managing Director.

Mr. Sin Boon Ann - Independent Director. Dr. Lee Kong Ting - Independent Director. Mr. Tan Chian Khong - Independent Director.

Ms Ng Shin Ein - Independent Director. Ms Wong Su Yen - Independent Director. Mr. Derek Lau Tiong Seng - Non-Executive Non-Independent Director.

Audit and Risk Committee: Mr. Tan Chian Khong - Chairman. Dr. Lee Kong Ting. Ms Ng Shin Ein.

Nominating Committee: Mr. Lim Ming Seong - Chairman. Mr. Tan Chian Khong. Mr. Sin Boon Ann.

Mr. Derek Lau Tiong Seng. Compensation Committee: Mr. Lim Ming Seong - Chairman. Dr. Lee Kong Ting.

Ms Wong Su Yen. Mr. Sin Boon Ann. Investment Committee: Mr. Lim Ming Seong - Chairman.

Mr. Lim Boon Kheng. Mr. Derek Lau Tiong Seng.