LONDON (dpa-AFX) - According to insiders, the oil company Adnoc is prepared to raise its rumored informal offer for the plastics group Covestro to around 11.7 billion euros. The state-owned oil company from the United Arab Emirates has held out the prospect in writing of an offer of EUR 62 per share if an in-depth examination of the books as part of a so-called due diligence process goes well, the Bloomberg news agency reported on Monday, citing people familiar with the matter. That would be EUR 2 more for the DAX-listed company than informally offered. Neither Covestro nor Adnoc wanted to comment on the insider information, the agency wrote.

Bloomberg had already recently reported that Adnoc was prepared to dig deeper into its pockets, but without giving a concrete new figure. Covestro shares recently shot up by almost 5 percent to EUR 53.70./mis/jha/