Middle East Expansion For Costain

21 January 2013

Costain is stepping up its activities in the Arabian Gulf as the Company expands the range of services it offers in the region.

The Company has been heavily involved in providing services to the oil and gas industries of Abu Dhabi for more than 30 years but increasingly hopes to promote its consultancy expertise.

Former Highways Director, Tim Bowen, moved to Abu Dhabi last autumn with a remit to develop Costain's consultancy offering. Now Executive Director Middle East, he has spent the past few months evaluating local markets and prospecting for opportunities.

Costain was well-known in the region for construction activities, particularly for large infrastructure works such as Dubai airport's Terminal One and the emirate's Port Rashid dock.

The Company name is still remembered and respected, says Tim. "The market is looking good. The region is cash rich as a result of its petrochemical exports and the Costain name and brand is very much associated with engineering excellence." That gives Costain an edge in the marketplace.

Major infrastructure works are planned in several countries. Qatar, for example, is increasing its water reserves capacity and is embarking on plans to construct vast underground concrete reservoirs capable of holding enough water to increase national reserves.  A new railway system is planned for the UAE, while Abu Dhabi is developing its 27km² Saadiyat Island is into a world-class leisure, residential, business and cultural hub.

Costain hopes to win a stake in projects such as this through its project management consultancy activities.


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