15 October 2010

29 November 2012

Cortona and Unity Merger Receipt of Ministerial Consent to the Merger

On 28 September 2012 Cortona Resources Limited (Cortona) and Unity Mining Limited (Unity) announced their intention to merge by way of scheme of arrangement (Merger).
Cortona has today received the consent to the Merger from the Minister administering the Mining Act 1992 (NSW). The receipt of this consent satisfies one of the conditions precedent to the Merger (see section 9.2(a) of the Scheme Booklet for further information).

Cortona's Directors Recommend the Merger

The Directors of Cortona recommend that shareholders vote in

favour of the Merger, in the absence of a superior offer.

Further, the independent expert commissioned by Cortona has concluded that the Merger is not fair, but reasonable, to Cortona shareholders and overall is in the best interests of Cortona shareholders.

Scheme Meeting

The Cortona shareholder meeting will be held at 10am (Perth time)
on 21 December 2012 at the Celtic Club, 48 Ord Street, West Perth,
Western Australia 6005.
If you require further information regarding the Merger please call the Cortona Information Line on 1800 821 514 (for callers within Australia) or +61 2 8256 3369 (for callers outside Australia).
Full details of the Merger, including how to vote on the resolution and a full copy of the independent expert's report, are included in
the Scheme Booklet and Notice of Meeting which was announced to
the Australian Securities Exchange on Friday 16 November 2012, has been posted to Cortona shareholders and is also available on Cortona's website.

COMPANY DETAILS Principal and Registered Office

Cortona R esources Limited Level 5, 72 Kings Park R oad W est Perth, W A 6005

Postal Address

PO Box 86, W est Perth W A 6872


www.cort onaresources.com.au


admin@cort onar esources.com. au


(08) 9485 0577


(08) 9485 0706

ABN: 98 117 848 790 ASX CODE: CRC Corporate Information

(31 October 2012)

Shareholders ~2,500

Shares on Issue 268M Options (Unlisted) 9M

PROJECTS Majors Creek (NSW) Eugowra (NSW) Christmas Gift (NSW) Booths Reward (NSW)


For further information please contact: Peter van der Borgh Andrew McIlwain Managing Director Managing Director Cortona Resources Limited Unity Mining Limited

Telephone: (+618) 9485 0577 Telephone: (+613) 8622 2300

Dale Bryan Stephen Cooper

Director - Corporate Finance Managing Director - Corporate Finance
Hartleys Limited Grant Samuel
Telephone: (+618) 9268 2829 Telephone: (+613) 9949 8800

For Media Enquires: Nicholas Read

Read Corporate
Telephone: (+618) 9388 1474


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