15 October 2010

ASX/Media Release - 24 April 2012

Grant of Dargues Reef Mining Lease

• Dargues Reef Mining Lease granted

Australian gold company Cortona Resources Limited (ASX: CRC) is pleased to advise that it has received notification from the Hon Chris Hartcher, NSW Minister for Resources and Energy, that the Dargues Reef Mining Lease has been granted under the provisions of the NSW Mining Act, 1992.
The granting of the Mining Lease is another key milestone in the Company's progress towards becoming a gold producer, following the successful approval of the development consent under the Environmental Assessment and Planning Act 1979 earlier in the year.
Yours faithfully
Peter van der Borgh
Managing Director

For further information, please contact: or COMPANY DETAILS Principal and Registered Office

Cortona R esources Limited Level 5, 72 Kings Park R oad W est Perth, W A 6005

Postal Address

PO Box 86, W est Perth W A 6872


www.cort onaresources.com.au


admin@cort onar esources.com. au


(08) 9485 0577


(08) 9485 0706

ABN: 98 117 848 790 ASX CODE: CRC Corporate Information Peter van der Borgh

Managing Director

+618 9485 0577 Nicholas Read

Read Corporate

+618 9388 1474

(31 March 2012)

Shareholders ~2,300

Shares on Issue 221M Options (Unlisted) 17M

PROJECTS Majors Creek (NSW) Eugowra (NSW) Christmas Gift (NSW) Booths Reward (NSW)


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