15 October 2010

9 January 2013 Cortona Resources Limited Federal Court of Australia approves Cortona scheme of arrangement for merger with Unity

Cortona Resources Limited (Cortona) announces that the Federal Court of Australia (Court) today ordered that the scheme of arrangement between Cortona and its shareholders (Scheme), in relation to the proposed merger with Unity Mining Limited (Unity), be approved.
The Scheme will become effective once a copy of the Court order is lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission, which is expected to occur later today.
An indicative timetable for the remaining steps to implement the
Scheme is set out below.

Effective Date of the Scheme 9 January 2013 COMPANY DETAILS Principal and Registered Office

Cortona R esources Limited Level 5, 72 Kings Park R oad W est Perth, W A 6005

Postal Address

PO Box 86, W est Perth W A 6872


www.cort onaresources.com.au

New Unity Shares commence trading on
ASX on a deferred settlement basis

Record Date for determining entitlements to the Scheme Consideration

10 January 2013
5.00pm (Perth time) on
16 January 2013


admin@cort onar esources.com. au


(08) 9485 0577


(08) 9485 0706

Implementation Date for the Scheme 23 January 2013 ABN: 98 117 848 790

Expected date for despatch of holding statements for New Unity Shares to Scheme Shareholders, which will in any event be despatched within five Business Days after the Implementation Date
Commencement of normal trading of
New Unity Shares on ASX
23 January 2013
24 January 2013

ASX CODE: CRC PROJECTS Majors Creek (NSW) Eugowra (NSW) Christmas Gift (NSW) Booths Reward (NSW)

All dates and times are references to the dat e and time in Perth, Australia and are indicative only. Any changes to the above timetable will be announced to ASX and available on Cort ona's websit e www.cort onaresources.com.au.

Application for the admission of the New Unity Shares to trading on ASX will be made by Unity and normal trading of the New Unity Shares on ASX is expected to commence on 24 January 2013.
Capitalised terms used in this announcement have the same meaning as set out in the Scheme Booklet dated 14 November
2012 (unless indicated otherwise).


For further information please contact: Peter van der Borgh Andrew McIlwain Managing Director Managing Director Cortona Resources Limited Unity Mining Limited

Telephone: (+618) 9485 0577 Telephone: (+613) 8622 2300

Dale Bryan Stephen Cooper

Director - Corporate Finance Managing Director - Corporate Finance
Hartleys Limited Grant Samuel
Telephone: (+618) 9268 2829 Telephone: (+613) 9949 8800

For Media Enquires: Nicholas Read

Read Corporate
Telephone: (+618) 9388 1474


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