Concord New Energy Group Limited announced that after trading hour on 6 June 2024, the Seller, the Original Purchaser, the Lessee and the Financier agreed on the Finance Lease Arrangement A by way of entering into the following agreements: (a) the Seller, the Original Purchasers, the L Tennessee and the Financier entered into the Rights Transfer Agreement, pursuant to which the Financier shall purchase the Equipment from the Original Purchaser at a purchase price of approximately RMB161.11 million for the purpose of leasing the Equipment from the Financier to the Lessee; and (b) the Lessee and the FinANCier entered into the Finance Lease Agreement A, pursuant to which the Lessee shall lease the Equipment from the Financer during the Lease Period A in consideration of the Lessee paying to the Financier the quarterly Lease Payments; and the Lessee and the FinANier agreed on the Finance Leases Arrangement B by way of entering into the Finance Lease Agreement B, pursuant to which the FinANCier shall purchase the Auxiliary Facilities from the Lessee at a purchase price of RMB143.89 million for the purpose of leasing The Auxiliary Facilities back to the Lessee for the Lease Period B in consideration of the Lessee pay to the Financier the monthly Lease Payments. The highest Applicable Percentage Ratio for the Finance Lease Arrangements on an aggregated basis exceeds 5% but is less than 25%. As the Previous Finance Lease Arrangement was entered into within a 12-month period before the date of the Finance Lease Agreement, the transactions contemplated under the Finance Lease Arrangment and Previous Finance Lease Arrangements shall be aggregated under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rule and will not result in a highest Applicable Percentage Ratio exceeding 25% on an aggregated basis.ence, the Finance Lease Arrangings constitute a discloseable transaction for the Company under Chapter 14 of the Listed Rules and is thus subject to the notification and publication requirements under Chapter 14 of the ListING Rules.