SAN ANTONIO, Texas, Jan. 13 /PRNewswire/ -- Sevocity, a division of Conceptual MindWorks, Inc. (CMI), today announced it has integrated Sevocity EHR with Sun Microsystems' HIE as part of a capability within the CSC (NYSE: CSC) Healthcare Center of Excellence.

CSC demonstrated this new capability, including Sevocity EHR integration, for the first time at its Chantilly Innovation Center (CIC). For more information visit:

Sun Microsystems will be demonstrating the Center of Excellence, including Sevocity EHR integration, as part of its Horizons Healthcare Information Exchange Summit 2010 on January 21, 2010. For more information or to register visit:

Sevocity develops, maintains and supports certified Internet-based Electronic Health Record solutions (also called Electronic Medical Record or EMR systems) for physician practices and community health centers across the country. Sevocity teams with Resource Partners, another participant in the Center of Excellence, to train and implement Sevocity EHR. For more information on Resource Partners visit:

"Sevocity's integration with the Center of Excellence is an example of Sevocity's ability and commitment to effectively integrate with Health Information Exchanges (HIEs) and other forms of health data sharing, making it easier and more affordable for physicians to realize the benefits of utilizing electronic health records. Our true Internet-based platform also allows Sevocity EHR to easily serve as an HIE's imbedded Electronic Health Record for physician practices," said Elaine Mendoza, President and CEO of Sevocity and CMI.

About Sevocity

Based in San Antonio, Texas, Sevocity empowers physician practices and health centers to embrace electronic health record (EHRs) by providing an easy-to-use, Internet-based electronic health record system. Because Sevocity EHR is an ASP (application service provider) product that provides secure access to clinical information via the Internet, practices and health centers avoid the expensive upfront capital expenditure and ongoing maintenance costs associated with client/server offerings. For more information about Sevocity, visit or call (877) 777-2298.

SOURCE Sevocity Division of Conceptual MindWorks, Inc.