CVM REGISTRY No. 01862-7

CNPJ No. 76.484.013/0001-45


Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná ("Sanepar"), ("Company"), in compliance with the provisions of article 157, paragraph 4th, of Law No. 6,404, of December 15, 1976, as amended and currently in force, of the Brazilian Securities Exchange Commission ("CVM") Rule No. 476, of January 16, 2009, as amended and currently in force ("CVM Instruction 476"), and of CVM Resolution No. 44, of August 23rd, 2021, hereby publicly informs to its shareholders, investors and the public in general that the Company's Board of Directors, during a virtual meeting held between January 5, 2022 and January 17, 2022, approved the twelfth (12th) issuance, by the Company, of debentures not convertible into shares, in up to three (3) series ("Debentures") of the Company, to be publicly distributed with restricted efforts, with the intermediation of financial institutions that are part of the securities distribution system ("Underwriters"), under firm commitment, in the amount of six hundred million reais (R$600,000,000.00) ("Total Issue Amount"), under the terms of CVM Instruction 476 ("Issuance" and "Restricted Offering", respectively), according to the terms to be provided in the "Instrumento Particular de Escritura da 12ª (Décima Segunda) Emissão de Debêntures Simples, não Conversíveis em Ações, da Espécie Quirografária, em até 3 (Três) Séries, para Distribuição Pública com Esforços Restritos, da Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná - SANEPAR" ("Debentures Deed").

The Restricted Offering is exclusively reserved for professional investors, as defined in article 11 of CVM Resolution No. 30, of May 11, 2021, as amended ("Professional Investors") and is automatically exempted from being registered as a public distribution with the CVM. As a public offering, with restricted distribution efforts, the Restricted Offering will be registered with ANBIMA - Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Markets Entities ("ANBIMA"), for the sole purpose of providing information to ANBIMA's database. Under the Restricted Offering, the Underwriters: (i) will be able to reach out, jointly, to a maximum of seventy-five (75) Professional Investors; and (ii) will be able to allocate the Debentures to a maximum of fifty (50) Professional Investors.

The Issuance shall be implemented in up to three (3) series, so that the Debentures issued under the Restricted Offering and distributed within the scope of the first series referred to as "First Series Debentures", the Debentures issued

under the Restricted Offering and distributed within the scope of the second series referred to as "Second Series Debentures" and the Debentures issued under the Restricted Offering and distributed within the scope of the third series referred to as "Third Series Debentures" (Second Series Debentures and Third Series Debentures, when together, referred to as "Incentivized Debentures").

The Incentivized Debentures will be issued according to article 2, of Law No. 12,431, of June 24, 2011, as amended ("Law 12.431"), Decree No. 8.874, of October 11, 2016, ("Decree 8.874"), Conselho Monetário Nacional's ("CMN") Resolution No. 3.947, of January 27, 2011, and CMN´s Resolution No. 4.751, of September 26, 2019, or by subsequent norms that amend, replace or complement them, hence their holders are entitled to certain tax benefits as set forth under the applicable law.

Six hundred thousand (600,000) Debentures shall be issued, in up to three (3) series, of which (i) Three hundred thousand (300,000) to be issued as First Series Debentures; and (ii) Three hundred thousand (300,000) to be issued as Incentivized Debentures, provided that the amount of Second Series Debentures and Third Series Debentures to be allocated in the respective series will be defined by a communicating vessels system, according to the demand for the Incentivized Debentures determined through the Bookbuilding Process (as defined below). The aggregate value of the First Series Debentures, the Second Series Debentures and the Third Series Debentures shall not exceed the Total Issue Amount. The nominal value per Debenture shall be one thousand reais (R$1,000.00), on the Date of Issuance (as defined below). For all legal purposes and effects, the date of issuance of the Debentures shall be January 15th, 2022 ("Date of Issuance").

The Underwriters shall organize and implement a procedure for collecting the investment intentions of potential investors in the Debentures, with no minimum or maximum lots, in compliance with the provisions of article 3 of CVM Instruction 476, in order to define: (i) the Remuneration of the Debentures (as defined in the Debentures Deed); (ii) the amount of Debentures to be allocated in the second and third series, as applicable; and (iii) the existence of the second series and/or the third series, as applicable ("Bookbuilding Process"), provided that the allocation of the Second Series Debentures and the Third Series Debentures between the series will be defined by a communicating vessels system, notwithstanding that the Second Series Debentures or the Third Series Debentures may not be issued, as applicable, according to the outcome of the Bookbuilding Process. The outcome of the Bookbuilding Process shall be ratified by amending the Debentures Deed, which shall be registered with the Board of

Trade of the State of Paraná, without the need for a new corporate approval by the Company or a general meeting of debenture holders.

The final maturity of the First Series Debentures shall occur at the end of the term of five (5) years as of the Date of Issuance, therefore, on January 15th, 2027. The final maturity of the Second Series Debentures, if issued, shall occur at the end of the term of nine (9) years as of the Date of Issuance, therefore, on January 15th, 2031. The final maturity of the Third Series Debentures, if issued, shall occur at the end of the term of ten (10) years as of the Date of Issuance, therefore, on January 15th, 2032.

The Remuneration of the First Series Debentures (as defined in the Debentures Deed) to be originally set forth in the Debentures Deed will be subject to a scheduled renegotiation by the Company, after thirty (30) months from the Date of Issuance, therefore, on January 15th, 2024, according to the procedure set forth in the Debentures Deed. The Incentivized Debentures will not be subject to a scheduled renegotiation.

The Debentures shall be deposited for: (i) public distribution in the primary market by the MDA - Módulo de Distribuição de Ativos (MDA), managed and operated by B3 S.A. - Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão - Balcão B3 ("B3"); (ii) trading in the secondary market with CETIP21 - Títulos e Valores Mobiliários (CETIP21), managed and operated by B3, with the negotiations settled financially; and (iii) electronically held in custody at B3.

The entirety of the funds raised by the Company through the issuance of the First Series Debentures shall be used to complement the Company's investment plan, which consists in the extension and improvement of water supply systems, sewage and solid waste, including project procurement, underground recipiency, expansion of water and sewage networks, engineering procurement, and purchase of equipment, including the Company's ordinary management businesses. According to article 2, paragraphs 1 and 1-B, of Law 12.431, Decree 8.874, the ordinance of the Ministry of Regional Development (Ministério do Estado do Desenvolvimento Regional) No. 1.917, of August 09, 2019, and the applicable regulation, the entirety of the funds raised by the Company through the issuance of the Incentivized Debentures shall be destined: (i) for the payment of future expenses, expenditures or debts to be disbursed within the scope of the Projects (as defined in the Debentures Deed) and, while not destined directly under the terms described in the Debentures Deed, shall be kept in cash instruments or cash equivalent until its actual disbursement under the terms of the Debentures Deed; (ii) reimbursement of expenses or debt repayment, within

the scope of the Projects (as defined in the Debentures Deed), incurred in the period of twenty-four (24) months prior to the sending of the Restricted Offering's closing notice to the CVM, related to the development, construction and operation of the Projects (as defined in the Debentures Deed); provided that in any case the information set forth in the Debentures Deed shall be observed.

This Material Fact is for informative purposes only, under the terms of the applicable law, and shall not be interpreted or considered, for all legal purposes, as material for the sale and/or promotion of the Debentures.

Curitiba, January 17th, 2022.

Abel Demetrio

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

This is a free translation for informative purposes only, without any legal validity. The original text in Portuguese is the only

legal version and must be consulted in order to elucidate any doubts or conflicts.


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SANEPAR - Companhia de Saneamento do Paraná published this content on 17 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 17 January 2022 12:14:03 UTC.