FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Vague takeover speculation moved the shares of Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank and ABN Amro on Friday evening. According to the Bloomberg news agency, citing people familiar with the matter, Deutsche Bank has recently been increasingly discussing possible takeovers, including the names of European banks such as Commerzbank and ABN Amro. Spokespeople for the banks declined to comment to Bloomberg.

The shares of Commerzbank and the Dutch bank ABN Amro both rose by almost two percent in the early evening on the Tradegate trading platform compared to the Xetra close and the closing price on Euronext respectively. Deutsche Bank's share price fell by 0.8 percent.

It is standard practice for companies to constantly review acquisitions within the sector. In the past, there had also been speculation about a merger between the two Frankfurt-based banks Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank. A few years ago, Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank even discussed a merger, but ended the talks in April 2019./mis/he