CLP Holdings Limited made an announcement in relation to the ongoing Continuing Connected Transactions (CCTs) between the CLP Holdings Limited, and the CSG Group (China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd) in the 2021 Announcement. Since the publication of the 2021 Announcement, a number of CCTs have been entered into including: (a) some of the CCTs disclosed in the 2021 announcement which have been renewed; (b) new agreements for existing projects which constitute CCTs have been entered into these mainly relate to the Energy Economy Interchange Agreement and some high voltage electricity supply contracts for existing projects of the CLP Group in Mainland China; and (c) various existing project companies in Mainland China have continued to conduct Power Exchange Sales. These CCTs have been aggregated for Listing Rules purposes on the basis that these are agreements where, in principle, the CLP Group sells electricity to the CSG Group or are agreements associated with such sales, in the case of the Power Exchange Sales, they have been aggregated because the CSG Group assumes the settlement risk for the electricity sales made by the CLP Group.

As a result of the aggregation of the relevant CCTs with the CSG Group entered into during 2021, the relevant percentage ratio under the Listing Rules in respect of the projected Annual Aggregate Cap was more than 1% but less than 5%, thereby triggering this announcement obligation.