Citigold Corporation Limited announced ongoing results of it's latest broad regional exploration program. A geochemical sampling program was completed at the end of December 2020 with assay results being returned recently. The results have highlighted the potential for new undiscovered mineralised bodies to the north of Charters Towers, and a different style of mineralisation to the south. A series of stream sediment Bulk Cyanide Leach samples were taken over 84 sites together with rock float and sediment samples. Of the 82 rock float samples collected, 19 were below detection limit, 29 were considered anomalous (greater than 0.1 g/t Au) and of these, 16 were greater than 0.5 g/t Au. Eight samples were 1 g/t Au or higher. However, three anomalous samples over 0.5 g/t Au (Sample Nos. 51, 55 and 69) were located at the northern extremity of the Exploration Permits, five to eight kilometres north of the centre of Charters Towers and returning gold values of 0.59, 0.51 and 0.83 g/t Au respectively. These are considered highly significant, as the historical workings at Charters Towers were not considered to persist north of the city. The occurrence of rock float samples 5-8 km north of the city indicate that gold-bearing outcrops are shedding into creeks in an area not previously known to be mineralised. There are no known or previously-mined gold deposits in this area, so these three samples have highlighted new mineralisation with the potential for northern extensions of the known cross veins and new east-west lodes. This highlights potential for the main NNW-SSE trending gold-bearing lode systems at Charters Towers to persist to the north of the city, and for the existence of undiscovered new east-west lodes parallel to the Brilliant, Day Dawn and Queen-Sunburst lodes. These samples will be followed up after the end of the Wet Season. In addition, three high value rock float samples were located south of the city. Sample numbers 6, 74 and 35 returned high gold values of 15.3, 10.15 and 3.17 g/t Au respectively. Sample No. 6 (15.3 g/t Au) is on MDL 119, with two previously-mapped gold occurrences (Perfect Cure and Queenslander) 300m to the east and one previously-mapped occurrence 600m to the southwest but this is in a different drainage basin and cannot be a source. The Little Red Bluff gold deposit lies at the head of the drainage basin in which Sample No. 6 is located, and this is a possible source. Sample No. 35 lies 300m to the southwest of the previously-mapped Poverty gold deposit but is upstream of the Poverty and unlikely to be related to this deposit. This may indicate previously-unknown mineralisation. Sample No. 74 is considered highly significant. It has a base metal and silver signature that more closely matches a Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide (VMS) deposit than the traditional Charters Towers style of mineralisation. The sample returned 2.03% zinc, 0.8% lead, 0.07% copper and nearly an ounce to the tonne silver (29 g/t Ag). It is located 200m northeast of the northeast corner of ML 10335 that covers the eastern extensions of the Imperial Mine lodes. There is no known mineralisation in the 1.5 kilometres drainage basin upstream of the float sample location. This sample may indicate potential for a VMS style of deposit in the drainage basin, similar to VMS mineralisation found the south at Liontown and to the west at Thalanga. Results have not yet been returned for 84 stream sediment samples (screened to -2mm) submitted for gold and base metal analysis. Once all results have been returned and assessed, a follow-up sampling and mapping program will be undertaken. Citigold is an Australian gold mining and exploration company, operating on the core high-grade Charters Towers goldfield in north-east Australia, 1,000 kilometres north of Brisbane, Queensland, and 130 kilometres south-west by sealed highway from the major coastal port of Townsville. The Gold Project is one of Australia's largest high-grade pure gold deposits.