Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Stock Code : 1929




About this Report


About Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group


Leadership Messages


Stakeholder Engagement



Sustainability Governance


Risk Management


Responsible Business Practices



Our Centennial Commitment




People Focused


Responsible Sourcing


Resource Efficiency & Carbon Reduction





ESG Data Summary


Sustainability Awards and Recognitions


Content Index


Assurance Statement




This is the ninth sustainability report (the "Report") Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group has published; discloses the Group's material sustainability issues in the financial year from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 to our stakeholders. The reporting scope1 covers the Group's core and material business units in Mainland China ("the Mainland") and Hong Kong and Macau of China, including self-operated POS, offices and production hubs, unless otherwise specified.


This Report has been prepared in compliance with the Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG") Reporting Guide of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited ("HKEX") in accordance with the four reporting principles of being material, quantitative, balanced and consistent, and with reference to the Global Reporting Initiative ("GRI") Sustainability Reporting Standards. We report on climate-related disclosure using the framework from the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures ("TCFD").


This Report will only be disseminated electronically via the Sustainability section of the Group website and on the website of HKEX. For disclosures on business highlights, financial performance, strategic reporting and corporate governance, please refer to the Group's Annual Report 2024.

Sustainability section of

Our Annual

our Group website

Report 2024


This Report has been independently assured by SGS Hong Kong Limited for quality, accuracy and reliability of sustainability performance data information, text and data in this Report.

For independent assurance statement, please refer to the Assurance Statement section.


We value your feedback on the Group's sustainability strategy, initiatives and performance. Should you have any comments on this Report or the Group's sustainability performance, please contact us via email at

1 The scope of this Report does not include offices and POS located in other markets, including Taiwan (China), Cambodia, Canada, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, the United States and Vietnam.


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024


Our sustainability performance are recognised by external benchmarks and indices:

Constituent of

Constituent of

Constituent of

FTSE4Good Developed Index

Dow Jones Sustainability

Asia Pacific Index

MSCI ESG Index Rating



Climate Change

Water Security

Assessment 2023

Assessment 2023



Note: Management level

Note: Management level


Member of the S&P Global

Rated as "low ESG risk"

"Sustainability Yearbook

(China) 2023"



For the year ended 31 March 2024


Core Operating Profit

Earnings per Share

Dividend per Share

for the Year3





HK$ million

HK$ million



GHG Emissions

Total Number of

Total Amount of






tCO2e/HK$1 million

HK$ million


Copyright ©<2024> Sustainalytics, a Morningstar company. All rights reserved. Disclaimer:




Including the proposed final dividend of HK$0.30 per share, which is subject to the approval of shareholders at the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company. As at 31 March 2024, the number of employees only covers the Group's core and material business units in Mainland China, Hong Kong & Macau of China.


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024




Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited (the "Group"; SEHK stock code: 1929) was listed on the Main Board of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong in December 2011. The Group celebrates its 95th anniversary this year and forges ahead into a new chapter of success, guided by a vision: "To be the leading global jewellery brand that is a trusted lifetime partner for every generation".

Founded in 1929, the Group's iconic brand "CHOW TAI FOOK" has become an emblem of tradition, celebrated for its bold designs and an unwavering attention to detail. Building upon a rich heritage and a foundation of trust, the Group is not only widely recognised for honouring traditions but also for fostering deep, meaningful connections with a diverse customer base through its products. The Group's long-standing commitment to innovation and craftsmanship has been integral to its success over time and has become synonymous with excellence, value and authenticity.

As a leading Chinese jeweller, the Group believes in blending contemporary cutting-edge designs with traditional techniques to create jewellery that can be passed down from generation to generation. Every collection is thoughtfully conceived and crafted to reflect the stories of our customers, celebrating the special moments in their lives. Committed to growing alongside our customers, the Group embraces a spirit that aspires to inspire and captivate generations to come, weaving the story of CHOW TAI FOOK into the fabric of their lives.

Offering a wide variety of products, services and channels, the Group's brand portfolio comprises the CHOW TAI FOOK flagship brand with curated retail experiences, and other individual brands including HEARTS ON FIRE, ENZO, SOINLOVE and MONOLOGUE.

The Group is committed to delivering sustainable long-term value creation for its stakeholders by enhancing the quality of earnings and driving higher value growth. With an extensive retail network of nearly 8,000 stores across China as well as multiple locations globally, and a growing e-commerce business, the Group is implementing targeted online-to-offline ("O2O") strategies to strengthen its competitiveness in today's omni-channel retail environment.


Mainland China: 7,640

Hong Kong and Macau of China: 88

Other Markets: 54


As at 31 March 2024, retail network covers all POS in Mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau of China and other markets, including self-operated POS and franchised POS.


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024




"As we celebrate our 95th anniversary, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery is embarking on a journey of brand transformation. A central part of this journey will be pursuing the sustainability of our planet, our communities and the Group, as we showcase the finest in Chinese jewellery craftsmanship to the world while helping to preserve and safeguard the world's precious resources."

Dr. Cheng Kar-Shun, Henry


As we celebrate our 95th anniversary, Chow Tai Fook is embarking on a journey of brand transformation. It is a transformation that will honour our heritage while meeting the demands of future generations, as we pursue our aspiration "To be the leading global jewellery brand that is a trusted lifetime partner for every generation". A central part of this journey will be pursuing the sustainability of our planet, our communities and the Group, as we showcase the finest in Chinese jewellery craftsmanship to the world while helping to preserve and safeguard the world's precious resources.

Our strategy is intricately woven around megatrends, and serves as a cornerstone that will shape our future. Undoubtedly the foremost among those is the challenge of climate change, which already caused significant impacts worldwide, from widespread flooding to extreme heat. This poses risks to our operations, but at the same time also presents opportunities for us to take a leadership role in environmental stewardship in the jewellery industry by pioneering new practices.

Along with climate change, we are committed to addressing other evolving expectations from our stakeholders. In particular, we acknowledge that there is a widespread desire from consumers expecting companies to act with exemplary corporate responsibility and taking care of both the environment and the communities they serve - a challenge we intend to meet, putting the emphasis on responsible sourcing to ensure that we adhere to exceptional environmental standards and labour practices. Alongside that, we are helping to shape the growing market for natural materials such as diamonds and gold, in response to increasing consumer concerns on the transparency and environmental impact of these precious raw materials.

Furthermore, we have taken proactive steps to ensure that Chinese jewellery craftsmanship continues to flourish and contribute to preserving and promoting Chinese culture, particularly in this period of technologically-driven mass production. For many years, we have nurtured the future of the industry with an array of initiatives that help us to cultivate and retain jewellery artisans who imbue their beautifully crafted pieces with soul. In doing so, we aspire to promote both the sustainable development of the jewellery industry and Chinese culture, something we see as an important responsibility.

We ensure that our sustainability objectives and progress remain a business imperative by undertaking regular reviews

  • and we are particularly proud to announce that Chow Tai Fook Jewellery has been included, as the only jewellery company, in the Dow Jones Sustainability Asia Pacific Index and that we are now a constituent of the FTSE4Good Developed Index. This year represents a particularly significant milestone along our sustainability journey, marking the mid-point between the year we made our Centennial Commitment, 2019, and the year by which we have pledged to meet its targets, 2029. We therefore regard this year as the ideal opportunity to revisit our strategy in light of how the world around us is evolving, and set ambitious new goals to push our performance to new levels of excellence in the future.

We have already taken the first step in updating our sustainability strategy by conducting a double materiality assessment to identify the most important challenges and opportunities. While we remain focused on craftsmanship, being people-focused, responsible sourcing, and resource efficiency and carbon reduction - and we have made important strides in these areas - the results of the double materiality assessment will form the basis of the new sustainability strategy that we will launch in next financial year.

Looking forward, we plan to take an even more proactive role in helping to save our planet, joining hands with our internal and external stakeholders in the supply chain to continue to lower our environmental impact and reduce carbon emissions to meet national and international net-zero ambitions while enhancing the wellbeing of all involved in the creation of our jewellery.

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our stakeholders, in particular our many dedicated employees; every day, through their hard work and diligence, they are the people who are transforming our commitment to sustainability into tangible actions.

Dr. Cheng Kar-Shun, Henry


Hong Kong, China, 13 June 2024

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024



Despite ongoing macro-economic and geopolitical uncertainties, Chow Tai Fook Jewellery achieved a steady growth in its business. As our business progresses and we further cement our role as leaders within the jewellery industry, we recognise the importance of remaining laser- focused on our sustainability strategy. We believe that we have made significant progress in implementing that strategy over the past year. It has seen us build on our past successes with a collection of developments and achievements of which we can be proud.

Since 2019, we have maintained our focus on cultivating a spirit of craftsmanship through mass engagement and in- depth experiential programmes reaching more than 61 million people, far beyond our 2029 goal of 10 million people. Our commitment to Craftsmanship and to promoting the best of Chinese culture was underlined by our groundbreaking collaboration with Shaanxi History Museum and Northwestern Polytechnical University on our signature HUÁ Collection. To create the latest pieces in the Collection, our craftspeople drew inspiration from ancient gold crafting techniques, magnificent patterns from the Tang Dynasty and the spellbinding art of the Dunhuang Caves. Our focus on preserving and finding inspiration in the beauty of Chinese culture and craftsmanship techniques through our collections continues to be a key differentiator.

Constantly striving to deepen our ongoing commitment to being People-focused, we continue to invest heavily in our most precious resource: our employees. We offer them abundant support in their professional and personal development through internal training programmes and training subsidies, in addition to providing them with a total of over 994,000 hours of training in climate, labour practices, leadership skills and more over the past year. Our staff have also given a remarkable 15,000+ hours of their time to voluntary service over that period, working with NGOs on activities that benefit groups including elderly people, those with disabilities, children and families, and young people. We are committed to using our influence to drive positive social impact, and plan to expand this volunteering programme to our overseas offices in FY2025.

We continue to be leaders in Responsible Sourcing, providing our customers with reassurance about the provenance of their jewellery. Our Best Practice Principles for Suppliers are a key tool in promoting an ethical supply chain, to which 84% of our key suppliers are committed. We have further bolstered our responsible sourcing credentials by conducting due diligence on 96% of our active diamond suppliers.

Chow Tai Fook Jewellery has also made important strides in Resource Efficiency and Carbon Reduction. We are in the process of conducting a climate-related scenario analysis, so we can fully understand the risks and opportunities of various climate outcomes, and corresponding actions to mitigate and capitalise on them. In the meantime, we are playing our part in working towards helping to shape a more sustainable future, reducing the intensities of greenhouse gas emissions, water use and waste from production by 34%, 44% and 60% respectively as compared with FY2019.

We are determined to use these successes as the springboard for future action. We intend to further refine our actions and the ways we turn our commitment into actions. Our new sustainability strategy will launch in FY2025, and will provide us with a bold new vision and a roadmap to have an even greater positive impact on the environment and on society in the future.

We would like to thank each of our stakeholders. Working together, we are confident that we can translate our sustainability commitment into reality.

Mr. Cheng Chi-Heng, Conroy and Ms. Cheng Chi-Man, Sonia


Hong Kong, China, 13 June 2024

"As our business progresses and we further cement our role as leaders within the jewellery industry, we recognise the importance of remaining laser-focused on our sustainability strategy. We intend to further refine our actions and the ways we turn our commitment into actions. Our new sustainability strategy will launch in FY2025, and will provide us with a bold new vision and a roadmap to have an even greater positive impact on the environment and on society in the future."

Mr. Cheng Chi-Heng, Conroy and Ms. Cheng Chi-Man, Sonia



Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024



We continually strengthen our sustainability strategy and disclosure through regular materiality assessments, which are designed to identify, manage and address ESG issues that are material to the Group. In FY2023, we engaged an independent consultant to conduct a double materiality assessment, which adopted the methodology recommended by the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG, 2021), identifying, prioritising and validating sustainability issues that make a significant impact on the Group or are caused by the Group. The assessment was completed in FY2024, resulting in a materiality matrix featuring issues that are considered material and the Group needs to manage and report on. The key steps of assessment:





Interviews &



ESG Issues





  • Came up with a list of 20 ESG issues relevant to the industry and the Group.
  • Invited 1,200+ internal and external stakeholders to take part in an online survey, in which they ranked the importance and relevance of the impact of these issues on the Group; the results were used to assess the stakeholder materiality of various ESG issues.
  • Conducted in-depth interviews with key investors to validate the financial materiality of the issues, and a leadership workshop to validate the survey's findings and assess the impact of issues from a financial materiality perspective.
  • Compiled the materiality matrix by combining results from the online survey, interviews and workshop, reflecting both the financial materiality and stakeholder materiality of ESG issues.



Carbon emissions &

Circularity &

energy management

waste management

Product quality & safety

Transparency & traceability

Human rights protection & labour

of raw materials

practices in the supply chain

Customer data privacy &

Employee health &

information security



Corporate governance &

Biodiversity & ecosystem

business ethics

Community contributions &

Innovation in product &

social impacts

customer experience


Climate change impacts

Promote & preserve jewellery

in the supply chain


Water management

Labour practices

Environmental impacts

Diversity & inclusion

heritage & craftsmanship

Support the development of

Training & career


jewellery industry

Corporate culture

Importance to business continuity and development

Level of materiality




People Focused

Responsible Sourcing

Resource E'ciency & Carbon Reduction

Responsible Business Practices


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024

Out of 20 ESG issues, 9 were identified as highly material financially and to stakeholders. The assessment reflects stakeholders' expectations of the Group, and the policies that the Group needs to adopt in the future. The following table lists these top-tier material issues with definitions, and indicates where they are discussed in this Report.

Top-tier material issues


Report section

Carbon emissions & energy

Monitoring and reducing greenhouse gas emissions in

Resource Efficiency &


operations and the supply chain in pursuit of a low-carbon

Carbon Reduction


Product quality & safety

Ensuring that all jewellery sold by the company is of high

Upholding Quality

quality and safe for use.

Product and Customer


Corporate governance &

Implementing robust corporate governance practices; risk

Promoting Business

business ethics

management approaches, ensuring compliance with

Ethics and Integrity

relevant laws, regulations; standards, and upholding

business ethics and integrity.

Transparency & traceability

Enhancing transparency of the supply chain and traceability

Enhancing Transparency

of raw materials

of raw materials by managing sourcing procedures and

& Traceability in the

strengthening supplier communication; providing adequate

Supply Chain

disclosure of raw materials' origins.

Circularity & waste

Minimising waste in production and operations and

Resource Efficiency &


promoting resource circularity, properly managing

Carbon Reduction

hazardous substances and adopting sustainable packaging


Customer data privacy &

Adopting proper procedures and security measures to

Customer Privacy

information security

safeguard data security, including the confidentiality and


integrity of customers' and employees' personal data, and

reducing the risk of data leaks and cyberattacks.

Human rights protection &

Ensuring suppliers adhere to human rights protection and

Achieving a Responsible

labour practices in the

fair employment practices, and that all raw materials are

Supply Chain

supply chain

from non-conflict areas.

Employee health & safety

Promoting employees health and safety by preventing

Ensuring the Health and

work-related injuries and illnesses, and fostering physical

Safety of Our People

and mental wellness in the workplace.

Innovation in product &

Innovating in jewellery-making techniques and designs, and

Customer Satisfaction

customer experience

enhancing digital retail experiences to enrich a broader

Preserving Traditional

customer base.

Chinese Heritage

We recognise the importance of these nine top material issues to the Group and invest ample resources in managing them to address stakeholders' expectations. In the meantime, we are aware of macro trends that are shaping the industry, and will also push forward the management of the issues of "Promote and preserve jewellery heritage and craftsmanship" and "Support the development of the jewellery industry".



The Group puts a spirit of partnership at the heart of its sustainable development. By working hand-in-hand with our valued stakeholders, we can strengthen our efforts to promote environmental and social responsibility. We keep up a regular dialogue with our internal and external stakeholders to ensure that we effectively communicate our sustainability strategy and performance in the areas they care about.


Key engagement methods

Key areas of concern


CTF Club newsletter and membership activities

Quality control on products

Social media

Quality customer service

Customer hotlines and enquiry mailbox

Customer privacy

• Traceability and transparency of raw



Employee engagement survey

Employee remuneration, benefits

Grievance mailbox

and wellbeing

Management meetings

Training and career development

Social media platforms

Ethical business practices

Lunch & Learns

Craftsmanship preservation and

24-hour hotline service


Internal newsletter

Occupational health and safety

Performance reviews


Interviews and surveys

Business development, strategies

Analyst results conferences/live webcasts

and prospects

Investor meetings and luncheons

Branding and reputation

Non-deal roadshows

Corporate governance

Group website

Ethical business practices

Company announcements and circulars

Talent attraction and retention

Annual General Meeting

• Investor Relations e-mailbox


Interviews and surveys

Ethical business practices


Business meetings

Quality control on products


Group website

Data protection

Grievance mailbox


Interviews and surveys

Industry standards and trends


Industry association activities and conferences

Corporate value and ethical business

Group website


Customer care


Media interviews and luncheons

Business development, strategies

Company announcements and circulars

and prospects

Press releases

Corporate governance

Group website

Quality products and customer

Media e-mailbox


Community care


Interviews and surveys

Corporate value and ethical business


Community and NGO activities


• Employee wellbeing and diversity

• Resource efficiency and carbon


Community care


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024


The Group's highest governance body, the Board of Directors, has overall responsibility for overseeing the Group's strategic direction and risk tolerance, and guiding and supervising its affairs, ensuring high-level corporate governance and risk management in compliance with applicable laws and regulations; including but not limited to all applicable principles and code provisions of the Corporate Governance Code as set out in Appendix 14 to the HKEX Listing Rules. It also bears the responsibility for sustainability matters at Chow Tai Fook Jewellery. The Board-level Sustainability Committee ("SC") reports to the Board as necessary, at least once a year. It consists of four members: three independent non-executive directors ("INEDs") and one executive Director. INEDs make up the majority of the Committee, with a new INED appointed as the chairman. They can provide independent, constructive and balanced opinions on sustainability matters, and complement the Board with capabilities such as strategic decision making.

As one of the Board Committees, the SC is responsible for evaluating and reviewing the Group's sustainability strategy and performance; overseeing its effectiveness in managing sustainability risks and opportunities, and assisting the Board in evaluating the quality of sustainability disclosure. The Strategy and Transformation Committee ("STC") steers the Group's sustainability strategy and its integration into corporate strategic direction and business decisions . It appoints the Sustainability Management Committee ("SMC"), which comprises senior management across the Group's business functions, and which assists and reports to the SC and STC on the implementation of strategy, policies and programmes in response to material sustainability issues.


The Board


Sustainability Committee

Strategy and Transformation


Committee (STC)


Sustainability Management Committee (SMC)



Taskforces for Focus Areas

The key to sustainability excellence and robust corporate governance is a solid set of well-establishedsustainability policies. We regularly review and update our policies, making sure they are fully compliant with all laws, regulations and standards in the places where we operate, as well as with our peers and the expectations of our stakeholders.


Backed by solid sustainability governance, the Group has addressed the following issues during the year to optimise our sustainability performance:

  • Sustainability governance to enhance management's accountability on material sustainability topics
  • Sustainability strategy and roadmap development to accelerate sustainability performance
  • Data management to enhance data integrity and visibility, assisting with timely review of sustainability metrics and indicators
  • Raised employees' awareness of key sustainability topics including business ethics and integrity


During the year, through peer and best practice benchmarking, we have made conspicuous progress in following areas:

Aspects for optimisation

Progress in FY2024

Sustainability governance

The roles and responsibilities of the Board, management committee and business units

were redefined, streamlining the reporting process of our sustainability programmes in

support of effective execution of sustainability strategy.

Sustainability strategy and

We completed a double materiality assessment, engaging with key stakeholders to


assess aspects with a significant impact on the Group. As a result of the assessment,

we are reviewing our sustainability strategy and goals.

Sustainability performance

To facilitate the formulation of sustainability strategy and management of sustainability

management & assessment

performance, we established a digital sustainability dashboard, which enhances data

visibility, allowing us to accelerate a data-informed approach to decision making and

business planning.

Our data collection platform provides a centralised platform to optimise the end-to-

end data reporting process, helping us to monitor our sustainability performance,

enhance transparency, manage risks and drive performance improvement.

Sustainability awareness

To foster employees' awareness of our sustainability agenda and their motivation to

enact it, we have optimised our group-wideCode of Conduct, which covers aspects

including but not limited to anti-corruption, environmental protection and compliance

with laws and regulations, and complemented it with relevant training, requiring staff

to confirm that they are familiar with its contents.

Sustainability Governance

Corporate Governance Report

Read more about the responsibilities of the

Learn more about the Corporate Governance

Sustainability Committee.

Report in our Annual Report 2024.


Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Limited

Sustainability Report 2024


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Chow Tai Fook Jewellery Group Ltd. published this content on 20 June 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 20 June 2024 05:05:06 UTC.