The board of directors of China Technology Solar Power Holdings Limited informed the shareholders and potential investors of the company that, based on information currently available, the Group is expected to record an increase in loss attributable to the owners of the company for the nine months ended 31 December 2016 ("3Q-2016"), as compared to that for the nine months ended 31 December 2015 ("3Q-2015") of approximately HKD 7.38 million. Such loss recorded for 3Q-2016 was mainly because (i) the significant drop of revenue to approximately HKD 9.6 million for 3Q-2016 (3Q-2015: approximately HKD 39.2 million); and (ii) there has been no recognition of change in fair value of contingent consideration payable for 3Q-2016 (3Q-2015: approximately HKD 15.1 million). The significant drop of revenue was mainly because (a) the delivery of some solar power related products was further delayed which caused the revenue from the sales of solar power related products to drop to approximately HKD 9.2 million for 3Q-2016 (3Q-2015: approximately HKD 35.4 million); (b) there was further delay in the commencement of large-scale new projects and only small-scale new projects with contract revenue amounting to HKD 59,000 was commenced and completed in 3Q-2016 (3Q-2015: approximately HKD 1.0 million); and (c) the revenue from the sales of self-service ATM systems and printing systems has dropped significantly to approximately HKD 0.21 million for 3Q-2016 (3Q-2015: approximately HKD 2.2 million) as a result of fierce competition.