Dear passengers:

In accordance with the needs of epidemic prevention and control, China Southern Airlines will suspend the transportation of passengers departing from the following 38 countries and transferring to China via a third country from 00:00 GMT+8 on January 11, 2022:

Africa	Ghana, Guinea, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Mozambique, Algeria, Uganda, Congo(DRC), Sudan, Djibouti, Senegal, Benin, Zambia, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Zimbabwe
Asia	India, Philippines, UAE, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sri Lanka, Maldives,kazakhstan
Europe	Russia, Serbia, Belarus
Latin America	Suriname, Guyana,Mexico

In addition to the above countries, in order to facilitate you to better arrange your trip, passengers planning to take China Southern Airlines flight in Paris or Los Angeles should carefully read the following information before purchasing tickets to check whether they meet the travel requirements.

Paris -Guangzhou CZ348 flight:

Starting from January 12, 2022,China Southern Airlines will only accept passenger whose country or region of origin is listed below:

Ukraine, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Switzerland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Greece, Italy, Andorra, Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Romania, St. Helena(U.K.), Portugal, Ireland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Poland, Finland, Faroe Islands, Gibraltar, Malta, Montenegro, Slovenia, Monaco, Macedonia, San Marino and *France.

(a) *France excludes overseas departments and regions of France (Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana, Reunion, Mayotte), overseas collectivity (French Polynesia, etc.), overseas territories of France and New Caledonia, Clipperton Island.

(b) Passengers departing from the above countries or regions must take a direct flight from the originating country to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport and can transfer to China Southern Airlines flight CZ348 Paris-Guangzhou flight. Passengers departing from the originating country with a second transit via Paris will not be accepted.

From November 25, 2021, passengers arriving in France within 14 days before the departure date of the flight and coming from a country or region other than those listed above will not be accepted.

(d) Passengers departing from a third country to China via Paris transit, please do not leave the transit area of the airport to enter France without compelling reason. Should you have entered France, you must be tested at the testing institute designated by the Chinese Embassy in France according to the relevant regulations for passengers departing from France, and you may not board the flight until you have successfully applied for a health code.

(e) From November 25, 2021, for passengers from the jurisdictions of the Chinese Consulates in France, if the IgM test is positive, even if they have completed all injections of Covid-19 vaccine, they still need to travel with a negative report of N protein test conducted at any testing institution designated by the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in France.

Los Angeles-Guangzhou CZ328 flight:

Starting from December 17, 2021, passengers departing from the Republic of Suriname, Guyana, and Mexico will not be restricted by the notice if they meet the following three conditions and will be allowed to transit to China in Los Angeles:

(a) Before departure, passengers must complete the epidemic prevention and control testing requirements according to the requirements of the Chinese embassy in the local area (Suriname, Guyana, Mexico) and obtain a valid travel health code;

(b) After entering the United States, passengers must stay in the United States for more than 14 consecutive days (inclusive);

During their stay in the United States, travelers must apply for a health code to China in accordance with the 'Notice on the adjustments of testing requirements for all China-bound Passengers' of the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles. For details, please refer to the website of the Chinese Embassy in Los Angeles

If you have purchased a ticket which departs from the above countries and transfers to China via a third country, and while the flight from the third country to China is operated by China Southern Airlines, please kindly contact the original ticketing channel for a refund before the flight takes off.

This Circular shall prevail where there are inconsistencies between previous provisions and this Circular.

Please check the local Chinese Embassy/Consulate's official website for the requirements of transferring to China via a third country.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

(C) 2022 Electronic News Publishing, source ENP Newswire