China Southern Airlines Company Limited reported operating results for the month and year to date ended May 2024. For the month, the company reported RPK of 24,338.26 million up 23.21% a year ago. RTK was 2,929.90 million up 22.73%, RTK - Cargo and Mail was 776.85 million up 21.52%, Passengers carried was 13,423,570 up 14.03%, Cargo and mail carried was 153.32 tonnes up 21.86%, ASK was 29,300.43 million up 11.64%, ATK was 4,080.07 million up 11.40%, ATK - Cargo and Mail was 1,443.03 million up 10.96%, Passenger Load Factor was 83.06% up 7.80%, Cargo and Mail Load Factor was 53.83% up 4.68% and Overall Load Factor was 6.63%.

For year to date, the company reported RPK of 121,322.55 million up 37.06% a year ago. RTK was 14,380.79 million up 33.26%, RTK - Cargo and Mail was 3,766.97 million up 25.53%, Passengers carried was 66,318,010 up 24.93%, Cargo and mail carried was 733.56 tonnes, ASK was 146,116.96 million up 23.73%, ATK was 20,620.64 million up 22.42%, ATK - Cargo and Mail was 7,470.11 million up 20.20%, Passenger Load Factor was 83.03% up 8.08%, Cargo and Mail Load Factor was 50.4 % up 2.14% and Overall Load Factor was 5.67%.