China Southern Airlines Company Limited reported operating results for the month and year to date ended December 2021. For the month, the company reported RPK of 9,756.94 million, RTK of 1,554.24 million, RTK - Cargo and Mail was 683.24 million, ASK was 15,029.60 million, ATK was 2,529.82 million, ATK - Cargo and Mail was 1,177.16 million, Passenger Load Factor was 64.92%, Cargo and Mail Load Factor was 58.04%, Overall Load Factor was 61.44% Passengers carried was 6,182,380 and Cargo and mail carried was 125,030 tonnes.

For the Year to date, company reported RPK of 152,426.06 million, RTK of 21,206.87 million, RTK - Cargo and Mail was 7,709.48 million, ASK was 213,926.36 million, ATK was 33,518.62 million, ATK - Cargo and Mail was 14,265.25 million, Passenger Load Factor was 71.25%, Cargo and Mail Load Factor was 54.04%, Overall Load Factor was 63.27% Passengers carried was 98,504,890 and Cargo and mail carried was 1,441,730 tonnes.