On December 19, the Tenth China Corporate Governance Forum was hosted in Shanghai by Shanghai Stock Exchange. It was supported by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Guo Shuqing, president of China Securities Regulatory Commission and Han Zheng, mayor of Shanghai attended the forum and awarded prizes to the winners. Ten listed companies including China Merchants Securities won the award of "Top Board of Directors of listed Companies 2011". Gong Shaolin, the chairman of China Merchants Securities, attended the forum and received the award on behalf of the company.

"Chinese Corporate Governance Special Award" is the highest accolade for listed companies in the field of corporate governance. This accolade is offered by China Securities regulatory organizations. In 2011, some special awards were established, including "Board of Directors Award", "Information Announcement Award" and "Typical Case on Merger, Acquisitions and Reforms Award".

Using the methods and measures of comprehensive risk management, the board of directors of China Merchants Securities builds up an internal controlling program in three aspects according to its dominant risk management. These three aspects are: building up the risk control, appropriate management, accepted audit and regulation. It sets up a comprehensive pressure-testing system, which includes evaluation, control and response, giving report and feedback, and guiding innovation development. This system contains six types of risks, adopts three instruments and implements eight measures to monitor and control extreme risks, realize the quantity-control of corporate risks, and adjust managing plans, business scale and structure. Those measures ensure the company can run stably and steadily under a "controllable, testable and acceptable risk". What worth to mention is, the comprehensive pressure-testing system has got the professional approval by the Securities Association of China, and it is going to be popularized. The board of directors of China Merchants Securities leads the company to make strategic decision, adjust three major processes and six measures, ensure the dynamic strategy and developing system, and improve the decision made by administrative board of executive directors. The Salaries and Evaluation Committee of the Board of Directors will regularly organize the administrative departments to have discussions with local and oversea specialists, and evaluate the performance of administrative departments in order to provide a contrast among these departments, offer the performance improvement plan and ability development plan, and further improve the quality of strategy and efficiency of execution. The honor of receiving "Top Board of Directors Award 2011" has further confirmed that China Merchants Securities has achieved the approval from regulatory organizations in Securities markets and wide investors for its administrative work.