China Datang Corporation Renewable Power Co., Limited announced consolidated power generation results for the month and year ended December 31, 2021. For December 2021 on consolidated basis amounted to 2,732,780 MWh, representing an increase of 8.63% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020, of which, the wind power generation amounted to 2,646,700 MWh, representing an increase of 6.56% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020; the photovoltaic power generation amounted to 86,080
MWh, representing an increase of 181.48% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020.

As of 31 December 2021, the total power generation of the Group for 2021 amounted to 26,178,431 MWh, representing an increase of 23.62% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020, of which, the wind power generation amounted to 24,998,097 MWh, representing an increase of 20.24% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020; the photovoltaic power generation amounted to 1,169,232 MWh, representing an increase of 223.88% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020; and the gas power generation amounted to 11,102 MWh, representing a decrease of 56.87% compared with that of the corresponding period of 2020.