24. 1. 2013

Production Director Vladimír Hlavinka Is Leaving the Management of ?EZ - Kierownictwo ?EZ opuszcza dyrektor ds. produkcji Vladimír Hlavinka

Vladimír Hlavinka, a member of the Board of Directors of ?EZ and Director of its Production Division, has decided to leave his positions in ?EZ' management and Board of Directors. His successor to manage the Production Division is to be announced by the end of the month. However, Vladimír Hlavinka is not leaving ?EZ completely, he is going to stay onboard as Advisor to CEO.

"We have fulfilled the division's main long-term strategic initiatives. Since the capital projects in ?EZ' nuclear power plants have been completed, the power generation levels nowadays reach record-high value, and the strategic initiatives of Safe 15 TWh for Temelín and 16 TWh for Dukovany are being fulfilled. The ongoing comprehensive overhaul of the Pruné?ov power plant is the last one of the coal power plant renewal projects implemented by ?EZ, with the first one initiated 6 years ago. Now is the most suitable time to close this management chapter," said Vladimír Hlavinka when commenting on his decision.

"I understand his decision and would like to thank him for all the work rendered for the company. He has successfully fulfilled the strategic challenges he faced. The Production Division is now stable with a good management and control system, with development projects ongoing in both our nuclear and coal power plants. This is the most suitable time he could find to decide to make a change," said Daniel Bene?, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of ?EZ, when commenting on the decision.

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