Modelo de Carta

CESP - COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE SÃO PAULO CNPJ/MF No. 60.933.603/0001-78 NIRE 35300011996 Publicly Held Company NOTICE TO THE MARKET

CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo ("CESP" or "Corporation"), pursuant to the provisions of article 157, paragraph 4 of Law 6,404/76 and CVM Instruction 358/02, announces it has redeemed the totality of its Medium Term Notes - Bonus Series 8, due on January 15th, 2015. These Notes were issued in reais, monetarily adjusted by the IPCA, with coupon at 9.75% per year and put to foreign investors.
Such redemption was performed by using the Company's generation of operating cash, and represented a reduction of roughly 37% of the financial debt.
São Paulo, January 16th 2015.
CESP - Companhia Energética de São Paulo
Almir Fernando Martins
Chief Financial Officer and Investors Relations

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