Cerence Inc. introduced Cerence Emergency Vehicle Detection (EVD), the latest new product in the Cerence Drive technology and solutions portfolio. Cerence EVD integrates with the in-car assistant to alert drivers of approaching emergency vehicles so they can adapt their driving accordingly. This new innovation reflects Cerence’s unwavering commitment to creating a safer and more enjoyable journey for everyone and delivering additional value for automakers and their drivers through new product offerings. Cerence recently surveyed over 1,500 U.S. consumers to understand how they use technology to navigate their surroundings in the car. When asked how in-car technology could best improve their driving experience in the future, nearly half of respondents (44%) said they are looking for greater assistance during stressful driving situations. In addition, a recent Cerence DRIVE Labstudy investigated drivers’ expected uses and perspectives on siren detection. The research found drivers welcoming this type of innovation, with 67% of participants preferring to be notified immediately when a siren is detected and wanting all other audio in the vehicle turned down. Participants said siren detection would be most valuable when there is loud audio inside or outside of the car, in heavy traffic situations, and in suburban/urban settings. They also want to know where the siren is, the direction it’s going, and how far away it is.