The Supervisory Board of Centrotherm photovoltaics AG appointed Jan von Schuckmann as Chief Restructuring Officer (CRO) with effect as of June 18, 2012. In his Management Board role, he will be responsible for the further implementation of the ct focus restructuring program, and will oversee the current discussions with banks about the future financing of the centrotherm Group. Hans Autenrieth, company founder and Management Board member of many years' standing, has decided as part of this restructuring to relinquish his Management Board mandate also with effect as of June 18, 2012. Hans Autenrieth will continue to be available to the company in a consultative function with his extensive experience and contacts. Jan von Schuckmann has held positions at Herlitz AG between 2002 and 2011, most recently as CEO with responsibility for this listed group's strategic reorientation. Hans Autenrieth intends to make himself available for this year's Supervisory Board elections.