CENTROTEC Sustainable AG reported consolidated earnings results for the full year of 2011. For the full year, the company increased its revenue by 12% to around EUR 538 million compared to EUR 480 million. Revenue growth was driven by the Climate Systems segment, where sales of energy-saving solutions maintained a positive trend. The inclusion of Dreyer & Bosse Kraftwerke GmbH in consolidation from August 2011 contributed around EUR 21 million to the rise in revenue. In all segments, substantial price rises for materials at the start of the year also weighed on the operating result. Applying the same accounting method, the overall operating result (EBIT) was therefore approximately one-third down on the previous year's figure of EUR 36.2 million. Earnings per share (EPS) were additionally severely affected by the write-down on the CENTROSOLAR investment value and the share of the equity investment's losses, which is much higher than originally expected due to the continuing fall in prices along with non-recurring effects in the fourth quarter. In a reversal from the previous year's earnings per share of EUR 1.54, the figure for 2011 was a loss in the mid double-digit cents range. For the 2012 financial year, the company anticipates a renewed rise in revenue.