Central China Real Estate Limited entered into the 2022 Procurement Services Framework Agreement with Central China New Life Limited on 9 December 2022 (after trading hours) to supersede and terminate the 2020 Procurement Services Framework Agreement, the service scope of which will include the CCRE Procurement Services contemplated under the 2020 Procurement Services Framework Agreement. Pursuant to the 2022 Procurement Services Framework Agreement, the Company has agreed to procure, and CCNL has agreed to provide, the CCRE Procurement Services and CCNL has further agreed to make the CCNL Procurement Services. Term: From the Effective Date to 31 December 2025.

Pursuant to the 2022 Real Estate Agency Services Framework Agreement, CCNL Group shall provide Real Estate Agency Services to the Group and receive a commission based on the transaction amounts of the property sales as service fee. The commission rate to be charged by the CCNL Group shall be adjusted to the range of 0.8% to 6.0% based on the transaction amounts of the property sales as service fee. The commission rate applicable to each property project will be set out in separate agreements to be entered into from time to time between the Company and the CCNL Group under the 2022 Real Estate Agency Services Framework Agreement.

The commission rate applicable to each property project will be determined with reference to a number of factors, including but not limited to overall property market environment, project location, difficulties of marketing and service content. The annual cap of the 2022 Real Estate Agency Services Framework Agreement for Fiscal Year 2023, Fiscal Year 2024 and Fiscal Year 2025 will each be RMB 350.0 million. The Company shall obtain approval regarding the 2022 Real Estate Agency Services Framework Agreement and the transactions contemplated thereunder from independent Shareholders at the EGM of the Company and the independent shareholders of CCNL at its extraordinary general meeting before the agreements formally takes effect.