Carbon Black announced the release of Cb Response 6.0., a new version of its incident response and threat-hunting solution that changes the game for security-operations teams by providing the only end-to-end IR solution with unlimited scalability. With Cb Response, security teams’ total incident response time shifts from 78 hours to less than 15 minutes per incident. Root-case identification shifts from 20 hours to less than 10 minutes, according to incident response professionals who regularly use Cb Response. New enhancements in Cb Response 6.0 include: Unlimited Scaling: Scales to the enterprises, supporting hundreds of thousands of endpoints with a new, innovative system architecture for on-premises deployments; New UI Built for Fast Search and Proactive Threat Hunting: Quick and agile search features via a new Process-Timeline View, which enables investigators to zoom in on specific timeframes via click-and-drag functions or broadly view the timeline to note anomalies. Investigators can zoom in or out in seconds to pinpoint threats; Unlimited Data Retention: Amulti-tiered data-storage model provides immediate access to archived data and complete visibility into any attack regardless of when it started.