Canuc Resources Corporation provided an update on exploration at the San Javier Silver-Gold Project in Sonora State, Mexico. Several breccia targets have been exposed and sampled between Carranza to the SW and the Little Pit to the NE, a distance of over 1,500 meters. The company has more than 400 samples in the laboratory, and complete results are expected by early February. Recent mapping has shown that the areal extent of the breccia zones at Carranza may be much larger than originally estimated. The Carranza Breccia could extend over an area roughly 400 m by 100 m. Sixty meters to the ENE occurs another 6.5 m composite interval that averages 133 g/t Ag and 1.07 g/t Au (2013). Also of significance is the Lydia vein/working, located on the SW end of Carranza Breccia just over 200 meters from the above-referenced intervals. A review of the 2013 sampling database shows that breccia had been identified in the Lydia mine workings and also on surface. Individual samples taken from the Lydia zone yielded anomalous values ranging from 164 g/t Ag & 1.78 g/t Au over 2.0 m to 1,240 g/t Ag & 7.07 g/t Au over 0.5 m. The Lydia workings were not systematically sampled in 2013, but detailed sampling was completed late in 2017. A breccia zone, up to 23 m across (apparent thickness) was noted in the lowermost adit. Further along the mineralized corridor, results obtained at the vein and footwall zone of the Jazmin working in 2017 yielded up to 197 g/t Ag and 1.15 g/t Au over 1.7 m. A nearby breccia in the footwall zone returned 698 g/t Ag over 2.0 m. At the northeastern end of the program area, the Little Pit returned a 3.8 m interval that averaged 477 g/t Ag and 0.41% Cu. These results represent high grade silver in veins over a distance of 2,000 meters along a north-easterly trend starting from the historical Santa Rosa mine workings.