FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) - A buy recommendation from Deutsche Bank gave Cancom shares a strong boost on Monday. Analyst Lars Vom-Cleff emphasized his optimism with a short-term "Catalyst Call". His price target is 42 euros. In the morning, Cancom jumped by over 7 percent to 32.28 euros. They thus approached their most recent twelve-month high of almost 33 euros.

The brakes are still on, but the engine is already revving up, said Vom-Cleff. He raised his sales and earnings forecasts up to 2026. In his short-term recommendation, he also emphasizes that the headwinds are being overestimated and opportunities underestimated.

In the current year, Cancom is ahead of its competitor Bechtle with a good 8 percent share price gain and only a good 2 percent./ag/mis