BLOCK LISTING SIX MONTHLY RETURN                        

    Date: 11 January 2016

    Name of applicant:                          Canaccord Genuity Group Inc.               
    Name of scheme:                             (a)   CSH Replacement ABED share scheme    
                                                (b)   CSH Replacement LTIP share scheme    
                                                (c)   Long Term Incentive Plan (LTIP)      
                                                (d)   Share Option Plan                    
                                                (e)   CSH Inducement Plan                  
    Period of return:                From:      1 July 2015       To:   31 December 2015   
    Balance of unallotted securities under      (a)   90,854 common shares                 
    scheme(s):                                  (b)   252,105 common shares                
                                                (c)   2,290,184 common shares              
                                                (d)   1,724,996 common shares              
                                                (e)   1,581,701 common shares              
    Plus:  The amount by which the block scheme (a)   0                                    
    (s) has been increased since the date of    (b)   0                                    
    the last return (if any increase has been   (c)   0                                    
    applied for):                               (d)   0                                    
                                                (e)   0                                    
    Less:  Number of securities issued/allotted (a)   (2,221)                              
    under scheme(s) during period (see          (b)   (8,205)                              
    LR3.5.7G):                                  (c)   (454,232)                            
                                                (d)   (0)                                  
                                                (e)   (0)                                  
    Equals:  Balance under scheme(s) not yet    (a)   88,633                               
    issued/allotted at end of period:           (b)   243,900                              
                                                (c)   1,835,952                            
                                                (d)   1,724,996                            
                                                (e)   1,581,701                            


    Name of contact:                           Martin L. MacLachlan, Corporate Secretary   
    Telephone number of contact:               +1 (416) 867-6078                           

    (CF. CF)