The Marketing Association of Spain has awarded Campofrio the National Marketing Award 2015 in the category of Brand during the gala awards ceremony of the seventh edition of this event, held in Madrid.

Jaime Lobera, Marketing & Sales Chief Officer of Campofrio Food Group, who received the award on behalf of the company, said "we are honored to receive this award as it recognizes our commitment to creativity and innovation through our advertising campaigns."

The association highlighted the work done by Campofrio in marketing and advertising, as well as the results achieved by the campaigns which impacted on innovation in the marketing environment and in the processed meats sector where Campofrio competes.

The National Marketing Awards, organized by the Marketing Association of Spain, pays tribute annually to those marketing strategies that stand for innovation and at the same time obtain tangible results.

Other awardees in the event were My Taxi ( Innovation), National Police (Institutions), Tous (Spain's Brand Internationalization) and Lody (SMEs).

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