Media release Calliden Group Limited (CIX)

29 August 2011

Calliden experiencing strong growth despite half year loss

Calliden Group Limited (Calliden) has reported a $4.3m net loss after tax for the first half of 2011.

The result included $10.4m impact from the unprecedented frequency and size of the catastrophic weather events in the first quarter of 2011.

Gross written premium grew strongly with double digit growth over the prior period, reflecting both strong price increases in personal lines and new business growth.

“We will continue to focus on growth in a number of profitable areas including online business, increasing premiums and improving underwriting across all business lines” said Nick Kirk Calliden Group’s Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer.

- ENDS -For more information please contact either:

Nick Kirk

Calliden Group Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director

(02) 9551 1102

Mike Hooton

Calliden Group Executive: Marketing and Distribution

(02) 9551 1150