Calix, Inc. announced that Verizon has selected the AXOSE9-2 Intelligent Edge System to begin large-scale NG-PON2 deployments in the first quarter of 2018. These deployments will include the AXOS RPm (Routing Protocol module for Layer 3) and the AXOS SMm (Subscriber Management module for disaggregated Broadband Network Gateway). By leveraging an always-on, converged services platform, Verizon will deploy a single access network for residential, business, and mobile services. This industry-first use of NG-PON2 technology will help Verizon realize a radical reduction in network operating complexity and costs while enabling the company to deploy new services with unprecedented speed. With the inclusion of the industry’s first compliant NG-PON2 optics, the AXOS E9-2 Intelligent Edge System now delivers on the promise of software defined, converged networks. By consolidating the subscriber management, aggregation, and optical line terminal (OLT) functions into a single point in the network that is closer to the subscriber, Verizon will realize significant operations expense reductions with fewer network elements while dramatically improving their ability to automate the network.