FYI Resources Ltd. announced the results of the second week of extended HPA pilot plant operations. An average purity of 99.9978% was achieved during the week-long campaign undertaken in collaboration with Alcoa of Australia (Alcoa). Operating from the 7th to the 14th December 2021, the joint development HPA pilot plant trial generated product from which selected samples across all stages of the process were sent to EAG Laboratories in New York, USA for analysis using high level Glow Discharge Mass Spectrometry (GDMS) to provide independent, high accuracy confirmation of the HPA grades.

Consistent with the previous HPA trial outcomes, the Week Two results demonstrated continued high-quality grades being achieved across the suite of samples and ranged in purity from 99.9983% to 99.9973% Al2O3. The high-quality results further support the progressive development of FYI's project utilizing the effective and innovative HPA flowsheet design. The pilot plant program supports the joint HPA development project between FYI and Alcoa for the commercialisation of FYI's innovative process for refining high quality HPA.

The piloting program continues the optimizing of the process flowsheet. Whilst feedstocks variations and blends continue to be assessed, this trial run feedstock was supplied by Alcoa.