Cadence Design Systems Inc. announced the availability of Virtuoso(R) Advanced Node, a new set of breakthrough custom/analog capabilities designed specifically for the advanced technology nodes of 20 nanometers and below. Built on the industry Cadence(R) Virtuoso custom/analog technology, Virtuoso Advanced Node features unique and innovative capabilities that prevent errors before they are created rather than detect them late in the design process. Working in concert with Cadence Encounter(R) RTL-to-GDSII flow, QRC Extraction and Physical Verification System, Virtuoso Advanced Node enables the development of complex mixed-signal chips that power.

They integrate seamlessly with the Cadence Integrated Physical Verification System (IPVS), a foundry-qualified technology for signoff DRC and DPT checking to conduct on-the-fly checks that reduce layout iterations. Features and Capabilities: LDE analysis using incremental layout. It delivers novel technology that helps decrease costly design iterations by allowing designers the ability to use partially completed layout as part of the LDE analysis, detecting layout-dependent effects at the earliest moment in the design cycle.

LDEs -- such as stress effects, poly and diffusion spacing/length, well proximity effects, and parasitics -are handled with detailed test benches that analyze multiple corners to ensure that the circuit will function as specified. When this technique is combined with Cadence MODGENs and constraints, IPVS and final hotspot detection and correction with Virtuoso DFM, users can expect up to a 30% improvement in their overall verification time. By methodically building and checking the design, the designer should eliminate massive "rip ups" and "reroutes" that can be found at the end if the circuit wasn't checked along the way.

Double patterning and color-aware layout -- Double patterning, a manufacturing requirement at 20 nanometers, splits the design layers into two masks, separating structures that are too close together. But double patterning brings "coloring" challenges to designers. Virtuoso Advanced Node delivers real-time automated color-aware, design-rule-driven layout to enable the creation of area-optimized layout.

It provides engineers the ability to match, lock and store colors on critical nets and geometries (through schematic constraints or directly on the layout), and to identify, debug and fix errors as they go, rather than later in the design process, when they are more difficult to fix.