CA Technologies announced an Identity and Access Management solution that integrates with SAP(R) solutions for governance, risk and compliance to help reduce the risk of fraud and manage access compliance. Through a partnership agreement between CA Technologies and Greenlight Technologies, CA's IAM capabilities are integrated with the SAP Access Control application. The integration was developed using Greenlight's Enterprise Business Controls Platform and provides real-time segregation of duties visibility and compliant user provisioning and de-provisioning across both IT and the business application landscape.

The solution automates segregation of duties policy checks using SAP Access Control for risk analysis in order to provide preventative controls that can escalate, mitigate or even stop toxic combinations of access prior to provisioning. Additionally it delivers a consistent provisioning model across both SAP and non-SAP applications to reduce IT support requirements. By combining the risk efficiencies SAP Access Control with the operational efficiencies of CA IAM, organizations can reduce their on-going risk exposure and streamline their compliance efforts and reporting.