Bunker Hill Mining Corp. report continued progress towards completing its Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA"), aimed at assessing the potential to rapidly restart production at the historical Bunker Hill mine located in Idaho's Silver Valley, USA. The PEA, led by Consulting Engineers from MineTech International LLC, is being conducted in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-01") and is expected to be based on an expanded resource, compared to that published on September 28, 2020, due to further resources expected to be delineated following recently completed drilling. The PEA is expected to be published by early in the second quarter of 2021. Mine planning is advancing within the framework of three distinct stages to exploit the majority of the resource. Stage 1 will contemplate mining to the 11 level to exploit shallow resources located above the current water table. In Stage 2, higher-grade zinc resources extending to the 16 level could be accessed either through the existing shaft system, or alternatively through the construction of a new decline. Incremental investment in capital required for Stage 2 is contemplated to be financed from cash flow generated in Stage 1. A final Stage 3 will contemplate mining to the 23 level, facilitated through either shaft or ramp access. Consistent with the Company's objective of developing a sustainable operation with a low environmental footprint, the PEA will contemplate construction of an underground processing facility with a design capacity of approximately 1,500 tons per day. The majority of tailings generated from ore processing will be utilized for geotechnical paste back-fill, with the remaining material to be thickened and deposited in historic mine voids. As a result, the PEA will contemplate minimal surface disturbance and no requirement for above-ground tailings capacity.