Ref: SET 57/04
17 January 2014
Subject: Notification on Establishment of the new subsidiary in Switzerland
To: Directors and Manager
The Stock Exchange of Thailand
Bumrungrad Hospital Public Company Limited ("the Company") would like to inform
that, according to the meeting of the Investment Committee's Meeting No. 4/2013 held on 20
September 2013, the meeting passed the resolution to establish a new indirect subsidiary in
Switzerland, with details as follows:
1. Date registered
16 January 2014
2. Name of subsidiary
Vitallife International AG
3. Registered country
Swiss Confederation
4. Type of business
Holding company for overseas investments
5. Registered capital
CHF 100,000 (a hundred thousand)
6. Shareholding structure
Life and Longevity Limited holds 51% of the shares, Innovex Holding AG holds 49% of the shares
7. Source of funds
From the working capital of Life and Longevity Limited
Life and Longevity Limited (registered in Hong Kong Special Administrative Regions of the People's Republic of China), which holds the 51% shares in the new subsidiary, is
100% owned the Company.
This is not classified as a connected transaction nor a transaction with the size of acquisition and disposal of assets subject to compliance with rules and regulations under the Notification of the Capital Market Supervisory Commission No. Tor Chor 20/2551 Re: Rules on Entering into Material Transactions Deemed as Acquisition or Disposal of Assets and the Notification of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) Re: Disclosure of Information Concerning the Acquisition and Disposition of Assets of Listed Companies, B.E. 2547.
Please be informed accordingly.
Yours Faithfully,
(Dr. Chanvit Tanphiphat, MD) Vice Chairman

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